March 2023 Astrological Update
A month of ‘Celestial March Madness’ as the energies that were stagnant begin to move and bring some expected results. March as the 3rd month, the number 3 signifies life force, movement …
How to build a skincare routine?
A recent study ‘Skincare Bootcamp: The Evolving Role of Skincare’ has found that daily skincare routines potentially can have a significant long-term impact on the overall quality of a person’s complexion.
Cozy recipe for Turmeric Ginger Chai
Turmeric is one of the popular Ayurvedic herbs and has been used in many forms in classical Ayurveda. There are numerous known benefits for Turmeric which includes management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, and hyperlipidemia.
Origin of Valentine’s Day
February has long been celebrated as a month of romance remembering St. Valentine. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with Valentine’s day?
February 2023 Astrology Forecast
The month of love, with all its zings of hope, desire and expectation… we see some promising placements and alignments.
5 Tips to improve your Emotional Intelligence or EI
What makes people with high EQ successful? They are highly conscious of their own emotional states, even negative ones—from frustration or sadness to something more subtle. The capability of identifying and understanding what they exactly feels makes them realistic and with high confidence.
From Stressed And Overweight To Trim And Thriving
Does too much stress can result in weight gain? The answer would be yes! And do you wonder how stress in addition to sleepless nights can make you gain more weight? Then continue reading.
My 3 favorite Essential Oils
Essential oils can be distilled from the leaves, flowers, and seeds of plants. There are so many kinds of essential oils available in the market.
We all have favorites, but when it comes to essential oils, I have some favorites. The 3 I always recommend to my clients are listed below with their health benefits.
4 Tips to stick to your New Year Resolutions
Many people will make New Year’s resolutions, however the majority will also fail to achieve them. I think making New Year Resolutions are still a great idea even though there might be a chance that you fail to achieve the results completely.
Jan 2023 Astrology Forecast
Happy New Year 2023
We start the year with many expectations and desires, lets look at the planetary positions this month of Jan2023 as they set the stage for our new year.
Best HairOil for Hair Growth
Neelibhringadi Keram is Kerala’s time-tested hair oil documented in the Ayurvedic text ‘Sahasrayogam’ for natural scalp nourishment & protection against premature greying. This authentic Ayurvedic beauty oil, blended with ingredients essential for 3600 hair care, deeply get absorbs through the hair follicles and strengthens the root hair, thereby increasing hair volume and fights premature greying of hair, naturally.
How to promote healthy meals in Kids?
It is an important fact that Dietary habits established in childhood often carry into adulthood, so teaching children how to eat healthy at a young age will help them stay healthy throughout their life.
3 Tips for improving your digestive health
The term ‘gut health’ has gained a lot of popularity in today’s health industry. The importance of gut health is not just proper digestion and assimilation but Ayurveda provides extensive insights on that.
The gut microbiome does help to generate a healthy ecosystem by breaking down the food we eat and absorbing the nutrients from it.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of Medicine has implied on gut health more than 5000 years ago. The key player in Ayurvedic pathogenesis of digestive diseases is 'Agni'.
Concept of Incompatible Foods in Ayurveda
The list is incomplete, still its staple combination used by many people. It’s important to understand that Ayurveda gives prime importance to Agni or digestive fire. It’s said by Acharya Charaka that the root cause of major diseases is improper digestive fire.
December 2022 Vedic Astrology Forecast
The Nakshatra of Rohini where this Full Moon is shining is one of Moon’s favorite Nakshatra that signifies passion, love and courage
Is Juice cleanse really necessary?
With New Year approaching I am sure at least a couple of you might be searching for Juice cleanse ideas to shed some pounds and get that super glow to the skin. I am going to point out the benefits and downsides of attempting a juice cleanse for immediate results.
Concept of Marma in Ayurveda
Marma is a Sanskrit word, and it means hidden or secret. It’s a juncture on the body which has utmost importance since it has Prana (Vital force).
Top 3 Ways to Prepare Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are nutritious, packing a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese into each serving. They also are really versatile and can be included in a variety of dishes. They are known as beneficial for gut health due to the rich fiber contents. Researchers have proved that antioxidants in purple sweet potatoes promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
Healthy Habits to Include In Your EveryDay Life
We all know it’s hard to break bad habits. When it comes to building good habits, small decisions add up over time. We are at that time of the year where we are thankful and grateful for so many factors in our life. And to be grateful for good health is one huge part.
My Favorite Ways to Get More Water Every Day
It might feel a little torturous and tiring to try and drink more water every day. I often have trouble convincing my family the importance of drinking water in our daily life. One thing I understood was that some little tricks can help you include more water in your diet.