Cozy recipe for Turmeric Ginger Chai

Turmeric is one of the popular Ayurvedic herbs and has been used in many forms in classical Ayurveda. There are numerous known benefits for Turmeric which includes management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, and hyperlipidemia.

Researches have shown that ingesting curcumin by itself does not lead to the associated health benefits due to its poor bioavailability, which appears to be primarily due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid elimination. 

In short if you try to eat turmeric by itself, it may not provide all the benefits like if it is combined with enhancing agents. 

So here we are sharing one of the most delicious turmeric recipes which is combined with ingredients which increase the bioavailability of curcumin/Turmeric. 

There won’t be a huge difference if you use fresh ingredients or powder in this recipe. Mainly because if you look at the ancient ayurvedic medicines , most of the preparations used dried turmeric and they are as effective as the wet/fresh ones. But if you are into using fresh ingredients, turmeric is easily available in whole foods and other organic grocery shops throughout the United States. 

Ingredients - 

  1. Turmeric - 2 tsp fresh turmeric root grated or ½ tsp. Powdered

  2. Ginger -  2 tsp fresh ginger root grated or ½ tsp. Powdered

  3. Water - 4 Cups

  4. Green cardamom pods - 4

  5. Pepper -2 tsp. Powdered

  6. Honey - As required

  7. Green Tea Bags - 4

In a saucepan - add all the ingredients from 1-5 and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5-10 minutes and strain. Add honey to taste and pour into cups and  pop a green tea bag. You can add lemon for freshness. But if you are acidic or have gastrointestinal disorders, skip the lemon. 

Ginger and turmeric work together synergistically to do more together than they could on their own, so the combination of the two is key. The best time to drink turmeric and ginger tea is either first thing in the morning or before bed. Turmeric and ginger tea is great for aiding digestion, so drinking them before meals is ideal. 

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