Top 3 Ways to Prepare Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are a Thanksgiving staple for many families right up there next to the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and green bean casserole. In addition to their great taste they have numerous nutritional benefits.

Sweet potatoes are nutritious, packing a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese into each serving. They also are really versatile and can be included in a variety of dishes. They are known as beneficial for gut health due to the rich fiber contents. Researchers have proved that antioxidants in purple sweet potatoes promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

Sweet Potatoes are super easy to add to your diet.

Sweet potato with Spinach and Ginger

You will need the following ingredients -

3/4th inch ginger grated, fresh spinach 0.5 lbs, 2 lbs Sweet Potatoes, and 1 Tbsp coconut oil/ghee

Boil the Spinach until the leaves turn a vibrant shade of green green and strain.

In a separate pot, add the diced sweet potatoes with just enough water to cover them. Add the salt and boil until soft. Remove from heat. Grate and saute ginger in coconut oil/ghee for thirty seconds. Then add cooked sweet potatoes and spinach. Mix gently to avoid breaking up the soft sweet potatoes.

Crispy Sweet Potatoes

Wash and Cut Sweet potatoes into small chunks and spread on an even layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle salt and chili flakes (optional). Now preheat the oven to 400 F and bake for 40 minutes flipping halfway through.

The sweet potato will be well cooked and crispy outside.

Mashed Sweet Potato

You will need the following - 3 lbs Sweet Potatoes, ½ stick butter, 1 cup chicken/Vegetable stock, ½ cup brown sugar, grated nutmeg, orange zest, salt and pepper

Boil potatoes until tender, drain and reserve. Return the pot to the stove top over medium heat. Add butter and potatoes to the pot. Then add the stock and sugar. Mash potatoes, stock and sugar together until well combined. Season with nutmeg, salt, pepper and orange zest, to your taste. Mash to combine spices and serve.

According to Ayurveda, Sweet potato is among comfort foods for its Kapha pacifying lightness. It also supports digestion and metabolism.

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