Concept of Marma in Ayurveda

Marma is a Sanskrit word, and it means hidden or secret. It’s a juncture on the body which has utmost importance since it has Prana (Vital force).

Before we begin a classical explanation of Marma, I would like to explain about the origin of the word (Nirukthi in sanskrit).

“Mrityae asmin iti marma” – This Sanskrit phrase means there is likelihood of death or serious damage to health when these points are inflicted. Hence, these areas are called marma.

Ancient Ayurveda scholar ‘Susruta’ who is known as the father of surgery has explained in detail about the 107 vital points in the body called marma. He has named this chapter as Prateka Marma Nirdesa.

107 Marmas

  1. 22 on lower extremities

  2. 22 on the arms

  3. 12 on chest and stomach

  4. 14 on the back

  5. 37 on head and neck

The points were mapped out in detail centuries ago in the ‘Sushruta Samhita ’, Shareera sthana – 3 Chapter.

Traditionally marma points are grouped in to 3 categories:

  • those on the legs and feet, (saakha marma)

  • on the trunk (Madhayamanga marma)

  • neck and head (jatrurdhara marma)

How can we therapeutically use these marma points?

For this, most essential factor is proper knowledge regarding Marma points. The juncture where the muscle (Mamsa), Vein (Sira), Ligament (dhamani), Bone (Asthi) and Joint (sandhi) meets can be manipulated with several techniques which can stimulate the points and can provide instant relief.

  1. Applying pressure to marma points – steady pressure for 1-2 minutes

  2. Oil massage

  3. Fomentation

  4. Herbal paste application

By putting accurate pressure on the marma points with the help of suitable, appropriate herbs and essential oils, an increased energy flow or prana can be generated in the body. This energy can change the biochemistry of the body and can bring many radical changes.

The importance lies in the fact that you need to give the accurate pressure required for gaining cure and lightness to the affected region. If you give a massive blow, marma therapy can be life threatening.

The effect of this therapy on each point is different. For example, applying accurate pressure on jatrudha marma (points on head and neck), proper sleep can be induced to people with insomnia. Similarly, marma therapy is advised for arthritis, pain relief, mental disorders and even detoxification and antiaging.

Various other disorders that can be cured with the help of marma therapy are:

· Nerves weakness

· Body shivering

· Disk prolapses

· Dehydration

· Cervical spondylosis

· Head ache

· Sciatic Problems

· Eye problems

· ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) problems

· Bone joints and arthritis

· Gland disorders (like Diabetes, etc.)

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