Is Juice cleanse really necessary?

With New Year approaching I am sure at least a couple of you might be searching for Juice cleanse ideas to shed some pounds and get that super glow to the skin. I am going to point out the benefits and downsides of attempting a juice cleanse for immediate results. 

The idea behind juice cleanse is quite simple. For a specific period of time just drink fruit and vegetable juices to lose weight and detoxify your body. The specific duration varies from 3 days to 3 weeks. 

Let us look at the benefits of going on a Juice cleanse first -

Juicing involves blending fruits and vegetables into a juicer to separate the juice from the pulp. When you do this Nutrients, vitamins, and phytonutrients will be present in the juice that you extract.

Moreover juicing provides an easy way to get the vitamins and minerals rather than chopping up whole fruits and vegetables and eating them throughout the day. Juice cleanses have been directly linked with improving the healthy gut bacteria which has been linked to weight reduction. 

Some of the fruit juices are known to improve skin health - for example - Pomegranate Juice has shown to help prevent signs of aging. 

If you look at the downsides of Juice cleanse, there are more reasons not to follow a Juice cleanse. 

Studies have shown that even though Juice cleanse gives an initial weight loss due to calorie-restriction,it might lead to an overall weight gain in future. 

Even Though you get enough nutrients and antioxidants from a juice cleanse, you may not get the required fibers and proteins. Studies have shown that elimination of food groups for extended periods can lead to malnourishment or undernourishment.  

Studies have shown juicing can impact your relationship with food and may cause serious eating disorders. 

There are alternative ways to reduce weight and support your health. 

Whole fruit provides more fiber and nutrients than juices. Include more whole fruits and vegetables in your diet. 

I always advise my clients to eat mindfully, rather than trying to drastically change what you eat overnight. Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cue. This will help to control emotional eating and keep your health in check. 

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