December 2022 Vedic Astrology Forecast


I have always felt that the Full Moon is a time of action. Today Dec 6 we see the last Full Moon of 2022. The Moon is transiting in Taurus around 21 degrees while the Sun opposes and shines its light right on the Moon from Scorpio.


The Nakshatra of Rohini where this Full Moon is shining is one of Moon’s favorite Nakshatra that signifies passion, love and courage. It is called the red eye of the Taurus  Bull. The other interesting aspect of this Moon is the retrograde Mars happening in Taurus that will come close to this Lunar Cycle within a few degrees. A retrograde Mars carries with it energy of aggression, anger, passion, jealousy and frustration, so some energies that we will need to balance out.


We have Jupiter moving stationary direct in its own sign of Pisces and that gives a more positive and facilitates progress in matters relating to Jupiter which can be work, business, over all drive and energy.


Venus and Mercury the plants of Love and the planet of communication, just crossed over the Gandanta point of Scorpio in the beginning of Dec and moved into Sagittarius. That point usually just as a planet crosses a water sign to a fire sign can be a spiritual unravelling of many things in life, almost a mini awakening into the truth of things. Each one of us, deal with this of course in our own stories of the micro and macrocosm.


The transits this month of December, the last month of the calendar year seems to be crying out a need for completion and closure, 12 that signifies the number of completion and the turn of the cycle into a new cycle…some of the transits specially of Mars might not let us completely close out the cycles. But any retrograde is a time to go slow.

WE have the end of the month with another retrograde, Mercury! Yes Mercury goes retrograde just before the holidays Dec 23rtd, I would say travel wisely, try to be at places ahead of time so as to not miss flights/ transport. Expect delays and prepare for them.


The higher learning, we can achieve through this month’s transit, is to breathe, observe, allow and proceed with caution on any new plans and decisions we make for the new year.

Keeping in mind that these are just transits- there is a time of rest in every cycle and there is a time to move forward and achieve. We must respect both.

Dr Beri.



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