Healthy Habits to Include In Your EveryDay Life

We all know it’s hard to break bad habits. When it comes to building good habits, small decisions add up over time. We are at that time of the year where we are thankful and grateful for so many factors in our life. And to be grateful for good health is one huge part. 

Here are some healthy habits which are worth adopting for good health and mindfulness. 

  • Use stairs instead of elevators 

If you are a person who has stairs at home or office, always try to use stairs. Be it in a shopping mall or movie theater. Use all the chances you get for a daily cardio workout. For a strong cardio workout, walk up and down the stairs repeatedly. Start with a limited number of repetitions and then increase them as you feel stronger.

  • Replace diet soda with sparkling water

I can’t stress the importance of this enough. If you’re not a fan of sparkling water, try drinking unflavored tea, coffee or fruit-infused plain water.Quitting soda completely won’t be easy. Atleast reduce the quantity. 

Artificially sweetened diet soda is widely used as a low or zero-calorie alternative to regular sugar-sweetened beverages. While it may seem like a healthier choice, a growing body of evidence shows that artificially sweetened diet sodas aren't any better than their regular sugar alternatives.

They can dangerously alter gut bacteria and can lead to obesity. In addition, frequent intake of diet soda has been linked with various skin conditions. 

Check out - My Favorite ways to get more water everyday

  • Take a 10 minute walk

It doesn’t have to be 10 minutes. Even a 10 minute walk can boost your metabolism and cardiac health. Walk to a nearby store, or take a quick walk during lunch hours. Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate and the last thing you want to do is go outside when it’s snowing or windy, but don’t let cold weather deter you. You can often walk comfortably by dressing right. 

Seattle is one of the rainiest places in the United states. I try to carry an umbrella and take a quick walk during the lunch break. It is easy to find reasons to quit but harder to find reasons to stay! 

  • Correct your posture

Having good posture can prevent aches and can also reduce stress on your ligaments. Not only that, but good posture prevents backache, fatigue and muscle pain.

If you work from home, don’t make a habit sitting on the couch and working. Set up a place for home office and make sure you sit in a good posture. Also when you walk, walk with your shoulders straight and head straight. It can boos your confidence as well. 

Check out - How to stop sitting all day?

  • Read 30 minutes at bedtime

This is one habit that is so hard to start if you are not a person who enjoys books. Keep away your electronic gadgets and read at bedtime. Pick a favorite genre - fiction or nonfiction, it can be even news but not online newspapers. I always prefer a physical book over a kindle in bed. Reading helps you get a good sleep and calms your mind. 

Here is our Autumn Guide to good health

Check out our tips to be consistent on FItness Journeys - How to stay consistent in your fitness journey?

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