My Favorite Ways to Get More Water Every Day

It might feel a little torturous and tiring to try and drink more water every day. I often have trouble convincing my family the importance of drinking water in our daily life. One thing I understood was that some little tricks can help you include more water in your diet. 

Here are 5 interesting ways to get more water everyday. 

  1. Add flavor to your water. 

Steeping fresh fruit (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), veggie slices (cucumber, ginger, celery), and herbs (basil, mint, lavender) can add a pleasant flavor to your water. The longer you let it steep, the tastier each cup will be. You can include your own combination or get inspiration from wellness recipe blogs for amazing flavors. 

2. Drink water after every bathroom break.

This is one of the habits that helped my 6 year old drink more water in a day. Start a habit by linking drinking water with one of your most common daily activities—going to the bathroom. Now a days since most of us are working from home, or even if you are working in an office setting when you get up from the desk and take a bathroom break, remember to drink a glass of water. 

3. Eat water-rich foods.

One sneaky way to increase the amount of water you consume on a daily basis is including water rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. Watermelon, cucumbers, zucchini, grapefruit etc. Include a watermelon cucumber salad with lunch, or eat an english cucumber sandwich for breakfast. 

4. Keep a water jug on your bedside table and your working desk. 

Make sure you fill the jug every night , and if you see remaining water from the previous day remember you haven’t emptied the jug. If you make a rule that as soon as you finish a container you have to fill it back up again, you will have fresh water near you every time.

5. Choose sparkling or mineral water over soda.

Choose fizzy water instead of soda. Or you can also include citrus, floral, spicy, or even chocolate-y herbal teas instead of sodas. That will be a great way of cutting down your sugar intake and also including water in your diet. 

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