March 2023 Astrological Update

March Astrology Update


A month of ‘Celestial March Madness’ as the energies that were stagnant begin to move and bring some expected results.


March as the 3rd month, the number 3 signifies life force, movement and drive, and finally we will see a lot of that happening this month. Again, a month where all the planets will be moving forward. We see the Nodes Rahu and Ketu in Aries-Libra axis still, and Jupiter in Pisces with Exalted Venus in Pisces. We will have Saturn, Sun, and Mercury in Aquarius, with Mars finally gaining speed to get out of its long stagnant transit from Taurus into Gemini.


This is most definitely some change in the physical 3D for the micro and macrocosms around each of us. The general themes being Self, interpersonal relationships partnerships, friend circles, and finally things that bring us higher understanding and wisdom to move beyond stagnant past beliefs.


Some important dates this month with be:

March 2nd: Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Pisces with Sun in Aquarius; a beautiful day for all things expansive around what Venus represents love, relationships, luxury and wealth. This conjunction happens in the Nakshatra of Revathi, the wealthy star in the zodiac of Pisces.


March 7th: Full moon in Leo Purva Phalguni Nakshatra; as the Sun is in Aquarius, and the moon transiting the last few degrees of Leo. The Purva Phalguni nakshatra themes around union, marriage, and the luxuries of home and family. There can be truths around this theme, and how we relate to those things in our reality will be the general theme around this full moon.


March 12th-18th: Some major transits this week as Venus will move into Aries, fresh starts and new beginnings are afoot in all things Venusian. Mars moves into Gemini. With this fiery planet moving into an air sign we will see fast-paced energy with air and fire. Things that felt they took forever are now going to pick up speed.


March 21: New Moon in Pisces: perhaps the most significant event this month, representing the first New Moon in the new Lunar Vedic Calendar. The freshness of spring and longer brighter days in the Northern Hemisphere.

The New Moon is followed by Venus in Aries coming in conjunction with Rahu, the north node of the moon. This can signify unexpected themes of new relationships, beginning in work projects and new collaborations leading to expansive and lucrative work deals.   


Overall, an action-packed month. I recommend using the chaos to your advantage by observing it rather than feeling the tug and push of it.


Dr Beri.


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