3 Tips for improving your digestive health

The term ‘gut health’ has gained a lot of popularity in today’s health industry. The importance of gut health is not just proper digestion and assimilation but Ayurveda provides extensive insights on that.

The gut microbiome does help to generate a healthy ecosystem by breaking down the food we eat and absorbing the nutrients from it. 

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of Medicine has implied on gut health more than 5000 years ago. The key player in Ayurvedic pathogenesis of digestive diseases is 'Agni'. 

Acharya Charaka has mentioned if Agni/digestive fire is proper a person will be devoid of any diseases. Impaired Agni is considered as the source of imbalance of Doshas and the root cause of diseases. 

Agni has been classified into Jataragni, Dhatvagni, and Bhootagni. 

The Agni which is present in Jatara (stomach and duodenum) is called Jataragni. Ashtanga Hridaya mentions Jataragni to be the reason for the duration of life, health, valor, ojas (the essence of the dhatus), the strength of all the bhutagni and dhatvagni.  

In short, the governing process of the digestive system, which is called Agni, is associated with digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. The treatment methodology in Ayurveda on various digestive diseases revolves around the concept of modulating and managing Agni. 

When Agni is impaired there can be three pathological manifestations - Vishama, Tikshna, and Manda Agni. 

Vishama Agni is associated with an excess of Vata, Tikshna Agni is associated with an excess of Pitta and Manda Agni is associated with an excess of Kapha. 

Ayurveda principles always mention that food should be consumed only after the complete digestion of the previous food. When food is taken without proper hunger, it hampers the digestive process and leads to various digestive disorders.

Here are some ways to improve your digestive power naturally -

  • Include Spices in cooking

Spices like pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger can be used while cooking. 

  • Intake of Triphala 

Triphala is a blend of three herbs. It's famous for its anti-aging effects since ages. Acharya Charaka has explained in detail about this herbal blend in Charaka Samhita. It is included under the category 'Rasayana' which means Rejuvenation.

Triphala is a combination of Chebulic myrobalan fruit (called as hareethaki in sanskrit), Beleric myrobalan (called as Vibhitaki in sanskrit) and Indian gooseberry (called as amla in sanskrit) .

What can a cup of Triphala tea do to your body?

Having a cup of Triphala tea either in the morning or at bedtime can do wonders.

1. It can reestablish and stabilize your gut flora (micro biome)

2. Burns unwanted fat

3. Cleansing effect and releases toxins

4. Gentle laxative and prevents constipation

5. Stabilize blood sugar levels

  • Digestive Lassi 


Homemade yogurt- 1/4 cup

Water - 1 cup

Salt - to taste

Ginger - 1 pinch

Cumin - 1 pinch

Pepper - 1 pinch

Method of preparation-

Blend together all the ingredients and drink at room temperature.

This recipe is good for relieving gas and bloating. Yogurt has lactic acid bacteria that enhance B and T cells which build up our body immunity system. Yogurt also works as an aphrodisiac and offers various benefits related to  sexual health. Yogurt has properties such as proteins and vitamin B5 that are beneficial for the hair. The content of protein present in the yogurt helps to strengthen and moisturize hair, and removes annoying dandruff. The Lactic acid present in the yogurt provides a soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin, making the skin soft and nourished. It is also a best remedy for sunburn, it can be applied to reduce pain and redness on the affected area.

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