30 Minutes Yoga for weight loss
Ever since yoga first gained mainstream popularity, there have been numerous health benefits and researches associated with the practice, including everything from increased flexibility to decreased stress. With a practice of more than 15+ years one of the most common questions that I have faced is “Whether yoga would help in achieving weight loss?”
November Astrological Forecast
The Full Moon Lunar eclipse happens Nov 8th in the Libra Aries in the Nakshatra of Bharani, the constellation of stars that are ruled by Yama the god of death and rebirth. So much of the energy here will be the conclusion of all activity that took place during Solar eclipse October 24rt. Lunar eclipses tend to give results instantly.
How To Stop Sitting All Day ?
We all know that a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to your health. Researchers have found extended periods of sitting can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, deep vein thrombosis, and early death.
Health Benefits of Cucumber
We have grown up hearing the phrase ‘as cool as a cucumber’.
This popular phrase means calm and unruffled!!
Cucumber is a popular vegetable, known for its numerous health benefits.
This article explores the popular health benefits of cucumber along with the Ayurveda facts and healthy
recipes on Cucumber.
It is important to know the nutritional facts and benefits of those vegetables or fruits that you put in
your plate.
Ayurvedic Autumn Regimen – A complete Fall guide
Change of seasons are reason to change, it’s as simple as that. Ayurveda considers a seasonal routine an important cornerstone of health, year around. Balancing the nature of your local climate with lifestyle choices that offset the potential for seasonally-induced imbalances is one of the simplest ways that you can protect your well-being. A seasonal routine maintains balance in the three doshas, (vata, pitta, kapha) and harmony and happiness in the body and mind.
5 Pumpkin recipes for Fall
Pumpkins are the most popular vegetable in the Fall season. This nutritious and versatile fruit is harvested in October and is used to make soups, desserts and bread, Pies and is a major component of Thanksgiving meals.
Pumpkins are not just a Halloween decoration. Let us check out the health benefits of pumpkin real quick
Pumpkins are a member of the gourd family, which includes cucumbers, honeydew melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, and zucchini.
5 Tips on How to stay consistent in your Fitness Journey
There is a popular 21/90 rule when it comes to consistency. The rule is quite simple - if you commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 days straight, the pursuit of that goal tends to become a habit. But do not stop there! Even after you have established that habit you need to continue to do it for another 90 days. And then it would become a permanent lifestyle change.
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
It’s always good to prepare hibiscus tea with fresh petals. Add 5 hibiscus petals to a glass of boiling water. After 2 minutes of boiling, remove from the heat. Strain and let cool to warm. Add organic sugar if desired. I usually prefer to add palm jaggery in my hibiscus tea.
October Astrological Forecast 2022
One can say much about the the 10th month of October, 10 numerological indicated completion and moving on to the next, and perhaps the planets display just that!. As above so below, as within so without….
Can Paleo & Sattvik diet help to control Psoriasis?
Certain researches link the success in the control of psoriasis with Paleo diet. Paleo diet is also called a caveman diet or stone age diet.
September 2022 Astrological Forecast
It is almost the end of Summer for the northern hemisphere. We see the Sun moving into Leo. Which strengthens its dignity being its own house.
How a Proper diet can control Psoriasis?
All the skin diseases are broadly classified under ‘Kushta Roga’ in Ayurveda. One among these Kushta Rogas in ‘Eka Kushta’ whose symptoms can be correlated with Psoriasis.
4 Alternatives to Dairy That I Love
Recently people move towards dairy alternatives for a wide variety of reasons. It can be health related, since a lot of people have Lactose intolerance and other health issues which are aggravated by the usage of dairy in their diet. It can also be for a better impact on the planet like going ‘vegan’. Whatever may be the reason, people do struggle while giving up dairy to find alternatives. This perspective article helps introduce you to some dairy alternatives which are healthy and mindful.
Top 5 FAQ’s with Dr.Beri on Laser Hair Removal
Here are the top 5 questions our clients ask on LHR, this is a brief outline that does apply to 99% of our clients! Get this exclusive insight on this informative blog!
Easy 4 Step Ayurvedic Weight Loss Plan
Weight loss is an issue on nearly everyone’s mind at one time or another. Everyone wants to be slim and toned. Before resorting to liposuction or medications however, try these Ayurvedic weight loss home remedies. Rekindle your metabolic fire and life naturally. Watch your weight and stay in shape easily with Ayurveda.
Ease Migraine with Ayurveda
Ayurveda perspective on Migraines
Migraine is compared to ‘Suryavarta’ in Ayurveda classics. Surya is a Sanskrit word meaning sun, and Avarta means affliction or blockage. The name Suryavarta is due to the pattern of symptoms in Migraine. The disease or pain starts during sunrise, peaks during midday and gradually subsides by evening.
Typically, the symptoms can vary depending on Ayurveda body types or Prakruti of an individual.
Elimination Diet for Migraine
An elimination diet, also known as exclusion diet is a diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that an individual cannot consume without any adverse effects.
So, how exactly can you figure a Migraine elimination diet?
10 tips for a healthy breakfast plan
A Balanced breakfast is important for starting a day. Breakfast is a critical meal when Vata is elevated. After an overnight fast a healthy breakfast helps in nourishing Vata. From Ayurvedic perspective one should eat in accordance with their hunger alone. Skipping breakfast might also disturb the sadhaka Pitta which is responsible for maintaining an even temper , joy and contentment.
Bhringaraj for haircare
Bhringraj is an important Ayurveda herb, widely used in hair fall treatment, liver disorders, skin diseases etc.