September 2022 Astrological Forecast

It is almost the end of Summer for the northern hemisphere. We see the Sun moving into Leo. Which strengthens its dignity being its own house. If your Ascendant or Moon sign is Leo, expect a lot of focus on the “me- myself and I “ paradigm. It is a more positive time of the year in terms of uplifted spirits because it marks the beginning of many new chapters in terms of school, careers, family and lifestyle changes for the majority.

 In terms of some significant alignments yes we have the major one to discuss-

The notorious Mercury retrograde.

-       But let me put a positive spin on this particular retrograde that happens in Sept.

-       Around 14 degrees of Virgo close to its full exaltation Mercury is going to station around the 9th of Sept. Mercury being in its own sign is probably a great time for Virgo and Gemini ascendents!. During this stationary time, it is aspected by transiting Jupiter in the sign of Pisces, and so all concerns between the one and the other…for Virgo and Pisces ascendent. You will experience events larger than life.

If you have any planets in the degree of station around 14 degrees in Pisces or Virgo expect this retrograde to impact you strongly. Main things to focus on- documents, contracts, major decisions around work or home. This retrograde is a time to make those deep introspections prior to pulling a trigger in these arenas.

Now this retrograde tends to complete as Mercury stations direct around 1-2 degrees of Virgo to start moving forward again around late October 1st. again check if you have any placements in these degrees and expect changes in those respective governed houses.


We see that in September, Venus enters Leo as well. Watery planet full of emotion entering the sign of Fire, passion might be high in the beginning of the month, as it moves through the Nakshatra of Magha and Purva Phalguni the later being the more Venus style constellation that is into luxury and romance. This month Venus is also out of the restricted confinements of Saturn, another positive.


Discussing the upcoming Full Moon, we have a Harvest Full Moon Sept 10th in the Nakshatra of PurvaBhadarpada . The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22 or 23) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight and allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive

Applying a similar scenario in our own journey, this is the time to come towards a clear understanding of our desires and visualize them to vivid detail so it can be harvested.


Yes there are three planets in retrograde this month, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury, but make the most of it in introspection, re-evaluation and letting go of the need to control things by trusting in the cosmic play.


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