5 Tips on How to stay consistent in your Fitness Journey

Are you a person who is struggling to stay consistent with your workout routine ? Then this blog post is for you.

There is a popular 21/90 rule when it comes to consistency. The rule is quite simple - if you commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 days straight, the pursuit of that goal tends to become a habit. But do not stop there! Even after you have established that habit you need to continue to do it for another 90 days. And then it would become a permanent lifestyle change.

Being consistent with a workout routine is a real challenge especially when you are working or if you are a mom. And if you are a working mom then it is a struggle. While some are naturally consistent, others need help to stick to a plan, including a workout plan.

Here are some tips on how to stick to a workout plan -

  1. Set Goals

Goals keep you focused, on track, and committed. Make sure to keep long term and short term goals. Short term goals help you stay motivated. Keeping the goals specific can also help in staying motivated, for example “I have to lose 10 lbs in a month” works more that “I have to shed some pounds by the end of this month”.

2. Build your daily and weekly behaviors that might help to lead to a positive outcome.

Start with drinking enough water, eating a healthy breakfast, working out 3 days/week etc.

3. Find Company

Working out in groups is more fun than working out alone. Join a Zumba fitness class or a water aerobics group. You can find a lot of friendly work out groups to join. Else plan a hike with your best friend for the weekend. Evening bike rides with your other half. No matter what you pick, remember, working out need not be lonely.

4. Keep a fixed time for working out

Start working out at that same exact every day, and it will become a habit within a matter of weeks. Staying consistent is the key to all routines.

5. Track your progress

Get a printable workout calendar or keep a workout journal. Track your progress and reward yourself when you achieve a milestone. Celebrate small wins.

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