Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus in Ayurveda 

Hibiscus flowers taste madhura (sweet) and kashayam (astringent). They are cold in terms of potency and can reduce aggravated Pitta and balance Kapha.

Due to their Pitta-pacifying action and raktastambhak (anti-hemorrhagic) properties, hibiscus flowers are widely used in the treatment of pimples, bleeding disorders, or bleeding gums. They are good for the heart and effective in lowering blood pressure.

Preparing Tea - It’s always good to prepare hibiscus tea with fresh petals. Add 5 hibiscus petals to a glass of boiling water. After 2 minutes of boiling, remove from the heat. Strain and let cool to warm. Add organic sugar if desired. I usually prefer to add palm jaggery in my hibiscus tea. 

Most of the times Hibiscus flowers are not easily available, then 1 teaspoon of dried flower powder can be used.

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea 

1. Drinking hibiscus tea can help alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes. Menopause in Ayurveda principles is always associated with Pitta. The Pitta-pacifying properties of Hibiscus along with cold potency and ability to balance excess heat in the blood make it a natural remedy for hormone balance during menopause.

2. Hibiscus tea can have a cooling, diuretic effect on the body. It also benefits the liver and helps alleviate constipation. 

3. Hibiscus is a traditional remedy for high blood pressure due to its diuretic action and blood-thinning properties. 

4. Hibiscus naturally helps to increase iron and pacify the excess heat (Pitta) in the blood.

5. Hibiscus promotes hair growth and prevents premature hair greying by reducing excessive body heat, stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, and increasing the supply of essential nutrients to the hair follicles.

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