October Astrological Forecast 2022

One can say much about the the 10th month of year, 10 numerological indicates a completion and a moving on to the next, and perhaps the planets display just that!. As above so below, as within so without….

Starting off with October 1st. A debilitated Venus is not so weak in Virgo as it is aspected in exact degrees by a retrograde Jupiter in Pisces and an exalted Retrograde Mercury in Virgo. This means that the planet of luxury and love that in general feels weak and not so full of life while transiting the sign of Virgo, suddenly gets a boost by these two planets.

Yes there are still at this time Saturn, Jupiter Mercury is retrograde. With a retrograde set of outer planets :Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.- All retrogrades mean pause review and reflect, take the time go and assess the action, rest is as important as forward motion in life.

October 2nd is another day to watch out for. Mercury is no longer retrograde. It is now moving forward with a fresh start. As Mercury stations direct around 1-2 degrees of Virgo and 1-2 degrees of Pisces, check if you have any Sidereal placements here. The first half October you can enjoy the energy of a forward moving Mercury to kick start new projects you have been holding back on, signing leases contracts finalizing business deals. Etc.

The energy is smooth sailing unitl the 24rth of the month where we see other major events kick off. The first of which is Saturn stationing at 24degrees of Capricorn to square exactly Uranus in Aries. This might related to some majore Geopolitical shfts, be cautious as weather/ storms earthquakes might be the scene when Uranus the planet of sudden change and Saturn a large heavenly body square. If you have planets around these sidereal placements another important time to stay cautious.

Now the big cosmic event that I personally would look out for is the Libra Solar Eclipse. As the Sun moves into Libra, with Ketu ( South Node ) being in Libra conjunct the Moon and Venus. All of this happening in the nakshatra of Swati.

The constellation of stars that Signify the”Winds of Change”. During this eclipse Pluto will also station in cancer and so if you have any planets in Cancer or Capricorn note that there will be significant events happening in those houses for you.

This eclipse energy which is the Solar Eclipse is followed by Lunar Eclipse in 14 days as the Moon conjuncts Rahu and opposes the Sun and as Full moon later in November.

This 2 week period I believe will indicate some major changes for Libra ascendents as it is in their First House, And also Taurus since Venus is involved in this eclipse. I feel this eclipse one will see play out in a personal space as well as at a macrocosmic level.

I cannot end this forecast without mentioning the last big event would be March 30th as Mars turns retrograde in Gemini at 1 degrees to head back into Taurus.

Since Taurus is a Earth sign, we will see the Mars affecting the economy and all matters related to finance.

The most important thing to do when their are big planetary shifts like this and a “Huge Wind of Change” is predicted - stay grounded, believe in yourself and your gut feeling. Stay focused at the task at hand, and not let any anxious thoughts control your mind.


Dr. Beri.



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