How To Stop Sitting All Day ?

We all know that a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to your health. Researchers have found extended periods of sitting can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, deep vein thrombosis, and early death. 

In addition to these health risks, sitting for long periods of time can also lead to back pain, neck pain, and other health problems. The effects are especially troublesome for middle-aged and older adults.

When you are deep in flow state at work, or in the middle of an office call you may forget to move around. Also, after covid most of the offices have the hybrid option or work from home option which prevents walking or moving around. 

Remembering to move can be painful but here are some amazing tips to follow for a healthy work routine. 

  1. A few minutes of stretching every one hour can be enough to keep your body from feeling stiff and tight. Keep an alarm or set a reminder on your phone. Most of the fitness apps in fitbit and apple watch helps for this. Well, a normal old school alarm will work as well. 

  2. Time to stop slouching in your chair when you’re on a call.Instead get up and walk, or walk to have a glass of water. One thing I always follow is that I don't keep water bottles on my work desk. I usually have to get up, walk and get a glass of water when I'm thirsty. 

  3. Reduce sitting time by investing in a standing desk if you are working from home. That might help to stretch and encourage you to stand up while working. 

People underestimate the power of walking for physical activity, but it’s a fantastic way to improve blood flow and loosen up your muscles. Even short walks can be great for your health, helping to regulate your blood pressure, increase your energy expenditure, and reduce your risk of a heart attack.

  1. Take a short walk every day with co-workers or your Kids. No, you don’t need company to walk. Play some music and take a walk everyday. Or listen to an audio book or podcast and keep walking. 

  2. Establishing a regular workout routine is an incredibly effective way to add healthy movement to your lifestyle.Getting started can be intimidating, so start small and find the exercises that work best for you. 

Stretching Exercises to Practice in between prolonged sitting 

  1. Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, and mobility.

  2. Leg Swings - These are great dynamic ways to loosen up the hips, hamstrings, and glutes.Begin with forward leg swings. Find something to hold for balance. Start off swinging your right leg backwards and forwards as high and as far back as you comfortably can. Do 20 swings and then switch legs. You can also do side swings. 

  3. Grok’s Swat - This is similar to the catcher’s stance in baseball. Simply squat down until your butt touches your ankles. Keep your heels firmly on the ground and your back straight. Hold that position for 30-60 seconds.

If you're already making all of the above changes to reduce the negative impact of sitting and still experiencing hip, back, or neck pain, the best action you can take is to see a physical therapist. But otherwise these are healthy changes to introduce to your daily work routine. 

Here is our Autumn Guide to good health

Check out our tips to be consistent on FItness Journeys - How to stay consistent in your fitness journey?

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