November Astrological Forecast

A great awakening is upon us in many areas of our microcosm and macrocosm this month. With all major activity happening in the 1st and 7th house of the natural zodiac we will see a major impact on the ‘self’ (first house Aries) and partners ( 7th house Libra) . It will be transitions that lead to a broader understanding of life in these two areas

This month has the exciting Lunar eclipse happening early part of the month and then we transition in a more stable energy. We start the month with Mars stationing retrograde where it leaves Gemini and returns to Taurus. We notice the focus once again this month will be the stock market and finances. Mars in a earth sign move retrograde can cause turbulence.

However, the highlight event of the beginning of the month is Nov 2nd/3rd, we have Libra having a crowded transit, with Venus, Sun, Mercury all being there. All of these three planets cross Ketu, Ketu being the south node of the Moon that is indicative of major change, loss, transition.


Venus represents love (Taurus, Libra), the Sun ( Leo) represents our drive/soul passion and purpose, Mercury ( Gemini, Virgo) representing trade, communication. All of this cross this south node is bound to create transition in micro and macrocosmic levels in these zodiacs and what areas of house they represent for you.


The Full Moon Lunar eclipse happens Nov 8th in the Libra-Aries in the Nakshatra of Bharani, the constellation of stars that are ruled by Yama the god of death and rebirth. So much of the energy here will be the conclusion of all activity that took place during Solar eclipse October 24th. Lunar eclipses tend to give results instantly.


The month has these heavy energies in the beginning of the month, however once the planets move on to Scorpio things would ease in slightly. Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Taurus is a Parivartan Yoga transit, and may influence love, romance relationships of that nature towards the end of the month. We still have Saturn moving forward affecting this Full Moon Lunar eclipse as well as all the planets in Libra the early to mid-month transits- displaying its powerful restrictive energy.


Nov 16 th onwards, the Sun is no longer debilitated this will give some relief to general vibe. Also 23rd of Nov Jupiter will go direct and that might be a date to watch out for as Jupiter is stationary direct around 5 degrees of Pisces, so any planets here, or in Cancer, Virgo or Scorpio same degrees will see this transit effect more significantly.


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