10 tips for a healthy breakfast plan

A Balanced breakfast is important for starting a day. Breakfast is a critical meal when Vata is elevated. After an overnight fast a healthy breakfast helps in nourishing Vata. From Ayurvedic perspective one should eat in accordance with their hunger alone. Skipping breakfast might also disturb the sadhaka Pitta which is responsible for maintaining an even temper , joy and contentment.

Here are some healthy breakfast tips.

1. Drink fresh fruit or vegetable juices. This will help in rehydrating the body and gives an overall wellness.
2. Whole grains and fresh fruits can also make a good day start.
3. Maintain a schedule which helps the body clock to set the time for releasing enzymes and digestion process.
4. A pinch of rock salt and ginger before breakfast helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and aids in digestion.
5. Sweet, sour, salt, pungent, bitter and astringent – this is the order as per Ayurvedic diet plan. An ideal breakfast should have all the 6 tastes.
6. Slow eating is advised for those desiring weight loss.
7. A power packed meal with eggs, ghee, sauté veggies, creamy oat meal etc. are and ideal choice of breakfast for those predominant of Vata dosha. Also, almonds, dates, figs, raisins etc. makes a good choice.
8. A healthy fruit salad, egg whites, oat meal with milk, ghee, raisins, coconut etc makes a good choice of breakfast for Pitta dosha
9. A serving of fruit salad, millets, stewed apples, freshly juiced fruit, barley cereal etc. are ideal breakfast choices for Kapha dosha. Green tea/ Black tea is also an ideal choice for Kapha predominant people.
10. It's important to eat according once hunger and Agni. Remember to have water in between breakfast. That will aid in easy digestion.

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