February 2023 Astrology Forecast

The month of love, with all its forms of passion, desire and expectation, show us some promising placements and alignments.

We start off with Saturn in Aquarius.

Venus, the planet of Love in a sign of networking and large organizations, encourages socializing and bringing forth new ideas to be set in motion.

The Luminaries Moon and Sun align first as a Full Moon in Cancer – Capricorn axis on Feb 5th, in the Nakshatra of Ashlesha. I expect this to be an intense emotional time, as this axis of the 4th and the 10th house has much to do about our security, emotions, stability and grounding.

It is wise to not get carried away with emotions and stay grounded. The Full Moon effect can last for a few days before and after the actual event of the Luminary opposition with Sun being in Capricorn and Moon in Aquarius.

Ashlesha Nakshatra is depicted as the coiled serpent; It is an intense nakshatra of transformation and ‘shedding’ the skin that is no longer needed for survival. Expect a similar intensity in your emotions.  We also see all planets moving direct this month, which is another promise of forward movement in plans that have been stagnant for a long time.

Mercury in Sagittarius points to fearless communication, with Mars speeding up in Taurus. Around Feb 16, Venus moves into Pisces where Jupiter is going directly. This would be a good time if you are thinking of getting a pet.

Saturn combusts with the Sun in the later half of this month, which makes it a time to be aware that we might feel our energy a little overshadowed or overburdened. This is not a long conjunction; it should be a few days and as the Sun moves forward, we will find more clarity.

The next Luminary alignment is the New Moon around Feb 24th in Aquarius in the Nakshatra if Shatabishak. This nakshatra is that of healing it is also called the sky watcher, we might here more discoveries on health, healing, and perhaps celestial / astronomy discoveries.

Overall, we have a positive month regardless of the drama around the full moon charging into Valentines day. Keep out of emotional outburst, and focus on rounding your energy. Overall this is a good month to set plans into motion.

To Understand more of your birth chart and how planetary placements affect you individually book a Vedic Astrology chart reading.





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