From Stressed And Overweight To Trim And Thriving

Does too much stress can result in weight gain? The answer would be yes! And do you wonder how stress in addition to sleepless nights can make you gain more weight? Then continue reading. 

Cortisol is a hormone that is naturally produced by your body. It is created by the adrenal glands located on your kidneys and this hormone is released when you’re under stress. Increased cortisol sends your body into fight-or-flight mode, temporarily pausing regular bodily functions and slowing your metabolism.

Cortisol also stimulates your fat and carbohydrate metabolism which in turn result in a surge of energy in your body. This can increase your appetite as well as sugar cravings. 

Now you know the relation between stress and weight gain, let’s look into ways we can reduce stress and thereby get help in the effort to shed subcutaneous fat.

Always keep in mind, the problem doesn’t always start with Food. There are numerous ways people cope with any number of stressors, from anxiety to unhappiness or lack of sleep. 

Say for example you have a newborn at home, because of the challenges of new parenthood you might not have ample time for exercise, and have sleepless nights and be super stressed. 

In fact, lifestyle stressors not only make fat loss harder, they can make it darn near impossible for some. While there may be many stressors in your life potentially contributing to elevated cortisol, there are several effective methods for managing your levels and preventing or combating weight gain.

  1. Remember to stay active - regular physical activity need not be hitting the gym thrice a week. It can also be a 30 minutes walk daily with your loved one. Or an under the desk treadmill while working from home. 

  2. Practice mindful eating - Be fully aware of your eating experience - like eat only when you are hungry. Avoid distractions like cell phones or TV.

  3. Get more sleep - Disrupted sleep can lead to elevated cortisol levels. Follow a sleeping schedule and routine. Try to have between 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. 

  4. Practice Yoga and Meditation. 

Remember that Cortisol is an important hormone and it serves many important functions like controlling your blood sugar levels, inflammation etc. in your body. Worry and start working on the stress factors when the levels are chronically elevated. 

Article by Dr Arya Krishna BAMS


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