
Great Winter Foods

Great Winter Foods

What are great winter foods, and what would you find in them? In the winter since you are usually more inactive and don't get as many supplements like vitamins, minerals, and other benefits that are necessary for you to be healthy. You want foods like porridge or oatmeal. You can choose to eat fruits and vegetables that are a good source of vitamin C and B 12 and look for sources of zinc and iron . Eating these types of foods are going to boost immunity, keep up healthy starches in your body and be satisfied for all of the season.

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Why indoor plants?

Why indoor plants?

Why would someone invest in indoor plants? Well there are a great plenty of reasons. For starters, the amazing health benefits and stress reduction benefits. Plants are able to improve your mental and physical health, without you even realizing it. It allows you to overall feel better and allows the room to feel lighter with less tension, this blog shares some great insights on indoor plants and its health benefits.

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Micro-currents for the skin
Skin, holistic beauty Dr. Beri Skin, holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Micro-currents for the skin

Microcurrent. You don’t exactly hear that word in your everyday conversations. So what does microcurrent mean? What are some benefits to your skin? First, the word microcurrent depicts high frequency and galvanic currents, here are some of the benefits listed below.

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