
How Mantras can affect you positively?
Mantras are words or syllables in Sanskrit which when repeated in meditation helps you transcend into a higher state of consciousness. They are typically melodic, mathematically structured meters, believed to be resonant with numinous qualities.

Transit of Jupiter into Capricorn Nov 20/2020
The very abundant, mature, and life expanding planet of Jupiter ( Guru) moves into the zodiac of Capricorn as per Sidereal ( Vedic ) astrology on Nov 20th of 2020. . The earth sign of the Capricorn that is material and that deals with well defined and organization and structure of all things, has its lord Saturn already transiting its own sign. This brings a demanding order and structure from the collective in the midst of the chaos.

Basics of Vedic Astrology
The astronomy/astrology of the Vedas is based on the 27 sub-divisions of the Zodiac known as Nakshatras. It is an ancient study of the impact of the cosmos and celestial bodies on the earthly plane.

Balancing the Feminine & Masculine Energy
Masculine and Feminine Energy: Shiva & Shakti Aspects within all of us as energy. We have both aspects or polarities within ourselves: when we tend to follow reason and rational thinking, that is the masculine aspect.. when we follow the heart and our feelings, that’s the feminine one.

Exfoliating and healing beyond the skin
We all love that feeling when we can leave behind the excess load we walk around with emotionally and mentally. Work, home, friends, partners all contribute their share to this ‘load’ that most of us as empaths can sense and end up holding on to within our own energy.

Beauty is an Energetic Vibration
This blog discusses the three main steps to hold the perfect energetic vibration to create beauty inside and out. Simple things that contribute to purifying the mind body and skin.
For more videos like this one subscribe to the channel.

1010 portal & new moon energy for manifesting
The numbers 1010 significant completion and evolution to the next stage of spiritual development . Letting go of old chapters in life . This Vlog explains the energies of the upcoming portal.

Vastu for creating a positive flow of energy
Vastu Shastra is similar Feng Shui and helps to create positive and healthy vibrations in the living space. This VLOG is on how to create a abundant and positive flow of energy based on AsthaLaxmi, the divine feminine energy. Subscribe to Youtube for more content.

Lunar Effects on emotions & feminine health
The moon has been a subject of mystical query, curiosity and enchantment for centuries. In vedic astrology the moon is one of the powerful 7 “planets” that affect the individual and their journey depending on the house that it is placed in ones chart. The moon represents all thing hidden, all things mysterious, all things nurturing and emotional . It has been a topic of research deciphering the impact the moon has on our psyche, as it transits in it lunar cycle around the earth through the various constellations. It is a powerful feminine energy that is associated with the lunar transits and emitting from the rays of this cosmic symbol of beauty.