Balancing the Feminine & Masculine Energy

''The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise being.
—- Euripides

Masculine and Feminine Energy: Shiva & Shakti Aspects within all of us as energy.

We have both aspects or polarities within ourselves: when we tend to follow reason and rational thinking, that is the masculine aspect.. when we follow the heart and our feelings, that’s the feminine one.

To move forward and act using more of the brain is a male quality. To go with the flow, enjoying the present moment and feel your emotions is the female side of us.

To reach balance one has to adopt both these qualities and merge them together, and not just focus on one side while completely disregard the other - the heart and the mind should be working in tandem .. not against each other. Neither should you dull your feelings or reasoning at important turns.

Masculine = Mind + Purpose
Feminine = Heart + Spirit

But most importantly, before balancing… the healing of the wounds is required:

Wounded Feminine:

  • Victimisation

  • Selfishness

  • Jealousy

  • Co-dependency

Wounded Masculine:

  • Abusive/controlling behaviour

  • Aggressivity

  • Criticising

  • Laziness/inconsistency

  • Emotionally dry (cold or closed-off)

    To increase masculine:- Find a purpose. Something you’re good at and develop it.
    - Try to learn some new skill or discipline.
    - Undertake a new project/endeavour.
    - Help others and offer support when it costs you nothing at all.

    To increase feminine (too easy) and a lot of info online!:- Become more romantic and artistic. Read poetry, learn singing or playing music
    - Play with children or also take care of them (when given the chance)
    - Let to relax and let go of worries and responsibilities from time to time.
    - Having “me time”.
    - Enjoy nature. Stop to smell the flowers and watch the stars.


Basics of Vedic Astrology


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