Basics of Vedic Astrology


Vedic Astrology 

The astronomy/astrology of the Vedas is based on the 27 sub-divisions of the Zodiac known as Nakshatras. It is an ancient study of the impact of the cosmos and celestial bodies on the earthly plane.

Vedic astrology was used for calculating the auspicious timings for ceremonies and rituals as well as predicting seasons and eclipses etc. and less for personal predictive purposes.

The 12 Houses of the Zodiac (Rashi) was imported from Greek/Babylonian astrology and much of the interpretative framework as well. At the height of the Persian empire there was much inter-country trade, travel and philosophical and technical exchange between nations bordering on the Persian empire - such as Greece on one side and India on the other, many philosophical concepts were discussed and exchanged - hence the striking similarity between the ideas of many Greek philosophers and those of India.

So with astrology as well. What is known as “Vedic” astrology today is an admixture of Greek/ Babylonian (Yavana), Arab (Tajik) and Vedic ideas. Many ancient astrological texts in Sanskrit speak very highly of the knowledge of the Greeks.

Vedic/ Sidereal  astrology differs from Western/ Tropical astrology in many ways - such as the use of a variety of square charts, difference in calculation - Vedic astrology uses a fixed zodiac whereas the Westerners use a moving zodiac. The the Vedic astrologers emphasized in interpretation the actual events not on its psychology of experience.

Nakshatras, planets their positioning, aspects and impacts on an individuals “house” can reveal many points on the personality, choices and major events in one’s journey. Vedic astrology also focuses on what is termed as remedies for helping overcome negative planetary alignments and impacts. The positions in one’s birth chart also helps in determining the elementals most actively at play in their journey.

At BE we have personalized digital VedicaAstrology charts including Vedic Remedies based on Nakshatras that guide in mantra practice and rituals to help balance the planetary effects. Stay tunes for more blogs on vedic astrology how it impacts mind body and skin.


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