
Patanjali and Yoga Sutra
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

Patanjali and Yoga Sutra

Those who practice, and study Yoga would be familiar about the book ‘Yoga Sutra’. Yoga Sutra is considered as an authoritative text book on Yoga. It is a collection of aphorisms explaining the eight limbs of Yoga.

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Yoga Basics – Know the Five Vayus in detail

Yoga Basics – Know the Five Vayus in detail

Vayu or vata is responsible for the normal working of the tantras and the yantras of the body. Here the body is not just human body, but it can be of any animal or a living entity. Here Tantra means a system such as digestive system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system etc. Yantra denotes an organ as such, a viscus.

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Transit of Jupiter into Capricorn Nov 20/2020
Vedic Astrology, Energy Medicine Dr. Beri Vedic Astrology, Energy Medicine Dr. Beri

Transit of Jupiter into Capricorn Nov 20/2020

The very abundant, mature, and life expanding planet of Jupiter ( Guru) moves into the zodiac of Capricorn as per Sidereal ( Vedic ) astrology on Nov 20th of 2020. . The earth sign of the Capricorn that is material and that deals with well defined and organization and structure of all things, has its lord Saturn already transiting its own sign. This brings a demanding order and structure from the collective in the midst of the chaos.

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Transitioning from Summer to Fall through the Cosmos and Mind Body Skin
holistic beauty Dr. Beri holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Transitioning from Summer to Fall through the Cosmos and Mind Body Skin

What do you love the most about Fall? The change of season can be refreshing and vibrant, and welcome change for us all. The smell of pumpkins, cinnamon, and cool misty fall breeze and pine stimulate the senses and allows for the energy to usher in the change.

It has always been about a change. Transformation, peaking also when the sun transits through the zodiac signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

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