
Preparation of Triphala oil for Hair care
Triphala works as a powerful tonic for the hair, stimulating the follicles and roots and encourages hair growth. Amla in Triphala also restores the normal pH balance of the scalp and makes the hair healthy

Ayurveda on 5 Super Summer fruits
It’s summer time of the year. Ayurveda calls summer season as ‘Grishma Ritu’. As the sunrays become more powerful, the body feels as if squeezed with increasing atmospheric temperature. This in turn weakens the Kapha day by day and strengthens Vata.

Understanding Yoga Basics
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite.

Ayurveda Healing Recipes
When we are in need of nurturing and healing, green mung bean soup is renowned for its nourishing and detoxifying effects. In classical panchakarma or rejuvenating therapy mung bean kicchdi is an important part.