Preparation of Triphala oil for Hair care

Ingredients - 

Triphala powder - 250 g + 100 g

Water - 4 litres

coconut oil - 500 mL

Always remember coconut oil as base for hair oils. It's better than sesame oil.

The first step is the preparation of Triphala decoction

250 g of Triphala powder is added to 4 L of water. Boil and reduce it to 1 L. Now the decoction is ready.

The general rule for making ideal decoction is always to maintain a low flame, stirring continuously, and always use a wide-mouthed vessel. 

Step 2 -

Take 100 g of Triphala powder in a small bowl, add some water and make it to a smooth paste. 

Step 3 - 

Add 500 mL of coconut oil to this paste and stir well. Add this to the decoction and boil it till only the oil part remains.

Signs to observe -

How to know you should stop heating the oil?

Initially, while boiling bubbles will be appearing, at the end stage no bubbles will be there, and froth sets in. The muddy formed liquid in the initial stage starts getting clearer indicating it's time to stop heating. 

It may take up to 3 hours for the full procedure. 

you will get about 400-450 mL of final yield of oil. 

Benefits of Triphala oil for hair 

Triphala works as a powerful tonic for the hair, stimulating the follicles and roots and encourages hair growth. Amla in Triphala also restores the normal pH balance of the scalp and makes the hair healthy.


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