Yoga Basics – Know the Five Vayus in detail


Vayu or vata is responsible for the normal working of the tantras and the yantras of the body. Here the body is not just human body, but it can be of any animal or a living entity. Here Tantra means a system such as digestive system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system etc. Yantra denotes an organ as such, a viscus.

 Prana is inhaled throughout the body by each and every cell to get freshness and energy. The moment it is stopped a person leaves this world. Its supply from outer atmosphere resuscitates the individual if given in time. Udana is that which is exhaled, which is to be held up for a definite effort or push and which causes speech and vocal music. The samana is responsible for the digestion. This digestion may take place in alimentary canal or in tissues or in cells. A unicellular creature amoeba takes up a food particle; this particle is ingested and then digested. It is the samana part of vata which does this work. The vyana helps cause circulation of blood or lymph possible. It moves with the vessels or allows fluid to move in the hollow spaces. Movement of extra cellular fluid to venules, movement of the fluid of venule to a vein and from vein to the heart and from the heart to the aorta, thence to larger and then smaller arteries from there to arterioles and from there to capillaries. Vyana actively participates in this work. Apana is meant for the disposal of the waste products formed from the ingestion of materials as food. It excretes fecal matter, urine, sweat, menstrual fluid, and the ovum and the seminal fluid. The last two are also the excretion though meant for continuation of the race.2

In Yoga, the direction of the vital energy is represented by different Vayus.

  1. Apana Vayu rules downwards and outward movement in the body. When we direct the vital energy/Prana in the downward direction to the base of the spine and then out through the legs and feet we connect with the earth feeling a sense of being grounded.

How to experience Apana Vayu?

Inhale deeply and sense the flow of prana downwards up to the base of spine. Now gently exhale sensing the feeling of prana out through the feet and legs.

  1. Vyana Vayu moves from center outwards. Based in the area of the heart, Vyana vayu represents the whole body, especially the skin and the energy that radiates past the boundary of our skin.

How to experience Vyana vayu?

Inhale deeply through the nose and feel the breath up to the heart region. When you gently breath out, feel the energy flowing out through every pore of the skin outward.

  1. The flow of Samana-Vayu moves from the periphery of the body to the center.

How to experience samana Vayu?

Sit in an erect manner with your spine straight. Relax the body, inhale and exhale feel the breath rising and falling in the front, sides and back of the torso.

  1. Udana Vayu relates to the upward movement of our bodies and our perspectives.

How to experience Udana Vayu?

Breathe from the feet or pelvic floor (if seated) all the way up the spine and exhale through the throat. Or close your eyes as you inhale and exhale and feel the flow of energy circulating around and through the head and neck.

  1. Prana Vayu the flow is inwards and upward.

How to experience prana vayu?

Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you inhale feel an energy flowing up the torso from the belly to the third-eye.


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