Postnatal skin care in ayurveda


A new life coming in to the world is the outcome of a lot of emotional and physical changes of mother. Post pregnancy, the hair and skin experience tremendous changes. Though these changes are not permanent, overcoming these require proper care and time. 

In this perspective Article I would be discussing the following

  • Major skin changes that you will notice post pregnancy

  • Common skin problems post pregnancy 

  • How to reduce the skin problems post pregnancy 

  • Ayurveda postpartum care

Major Skin changes that you will notice post pregnancy

Have you thought why the pregnancy glow disappears post pregnancy?

Pregnancy glow is real. During pregnancy there is an increased blood volume in the body. Also, the production of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helps in creating pregnancy glow and progesterone makes your skin smoother and softer. 

The pregnancy glow is one of the skin changes that is caused by the changes and increase of hormones during pregnancy.

The stress, hormonal changes and tiredness that come with being a new parent can take their toll on your skin.

You might experience the following skin problems – 

  1. Stretch Marks 

Stretch marks are due to sudden gain and subsequent loss in weight. Many parts of the body will be having stretch marks, more visible in the stomach region. Initially they will be reddish pink in color, but eventually they diminish and become lighter. 

  1. Melasma 

The dark patches that develop on the facial skin are called as melasma or chloasma. This black pigmentation occurs due to the high level of pregnancy hormones and with decrease in hormones post pregnancy, they may become less obvious. Some may stay and might increase with exposure to sunlight. 

  1. Acne 

High progesterone levels post pregnancy can cause pimples to break out. Acne post pregnancy is a common skin problem faced by women. 

Acne, stretch marks, pigmentation and skin discoloration after delivery are some of the most common changes in the skin that have been observed post pregnancy.

How to reduce the skin problems during pregnancy?

Tackling post-partum skin problems require time and effort. Certain diet and lifestyle changes can work wonders along with suitable herbs. 

  • As I already mentioned, exposure to sunlight for long can increase the melasma or blackish discoloration of Skin. Staying away from sunlight can help to reduce the spots and discoloration of skin.  

  • Stay hydrated, drink enough water during the day. This can also help to keep the hormones in check. 

  • In order to bring back the healthy texture of skin, cleanse your skin often. Wash with besan (check pea) flour or green gram powder 3 or 4 times in a day. 

  • Sleep at regular time, it’s hard with a new born. Still try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep in a day. This will reduce the puffy eyes and reduce dark circles under the eyes. 

  • Exfoliate the skin one or twice a week. You can use a gentle organic exfoliator or use a combination of honey and turmeric. 

  • When it comes to food, include plenty of green leafy vegetables which can help in bringing back the glow and texture of the skin due to its high iron content.

  •  Eat freshly prepared warm food. Include spices like cumin, pepper corns, turmeric, asafetida etc. in diet. The reason for using these spices is that they help in improving the digestive power.

Ayurveda Postpartum Care

According to Ayurveda, the process of child birth occurs due to the presence of Vata. There will be an increase in Vata post-delivery. The increased vata can disturb the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of new mom.  As the first step of postpartum care, it’s important to bring the Vata in to balance. 

Bringing Vata in to balance… 

  • Oil massage for 20 minutes before taking a shower can help in pacifying the aggravated Vata. Use sesame oil or herbal oils like Ksheerabala or Bala Ashwangandhadi (which are specifically for Vata pacification) 

  • Intake of ghee infused with pepper and ginger daily can help pacify Vata. 

  • It is ideal to take easily digestible food like rice gruel, kichdi etc. immediately after delivery. Once tha vata is pacified and digestive power has improved gradually other foods can be included. 

  • Drinking water boiled with cumin seeds can also help in pacifying the aggravated Vata. 

Herbs that are used post-delivery –

  • Asparagus – Shatavari (Asparagus) possesses cooling, calming properties that can help to soothe and balance vata and pitta (two of the three doshas). Often used to enhance reproductive and digestive health, shatavari is also said to have rejuvenating and nourishing effects.

  • Ginger – It enkindles the digestive fire and improves digestion and assimilation

  • Fenugreek - Ayurveda has supported the use of fenugreek to build healthy milk flow in nursing mothers. So many recipes with fenugreek has been advised for nursing mothers for improved milk flow, and proper digestion. I will be sharing a few recipes in later blogs. 

These are just simple steps to practice post-delivery.

- Article by Dr Arya Krishna B.A.M.S


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