Lunar Effects on emotions & feminine health

The moon has been a subject of mystical query, curiosity and enchantment for centuries. In vedic astrology the moon is one of the powerful 7 “planets” that affect the individual and their journey depending on the house that it is placed in ones chart. The moon represents all thing hidden, all things mysterious, all things nurturing and emotional . It has been a topic of research deciphering the impact the moon has on our psyche, as it transits in it lunar cycle around the earth through the various constellations. It is a powerful feminine energy that is associated with the lunar transits and emitting from the rays of this cosmic symbol of beauty.

Lunar Energy: The the energies of the moon can vary based on the transit it makes in the waxing and waning cycles . feminine energy, maternal energy as well as nurturing and creative aspects of the feminine energy.

The moon takes approximately a month to orbit the earth and as it makes its journey, it is exposed to the sun for showing us the transit of its waning and waxing aspects as it also spins within its on orbit. Various ancient traditions link lunar energy and its cycles to rituals and ways to harness the universal energy in ones personal journey.

During the full moon , the energy increases our emotional sensitivity as one can compare it to the strong water current/tides linked to full moon days. Just in that way you can feel tired, irritable cranky and emotional. It is best on these days to take a nice walk in the moonlight, and allow for the cooling rays of the full moon to calm down a lot of the emotional tides. The period of waxing moon, the 14 days prior to the full moon, are best to do activities of creativity, new projects , bring about new ideas- as our energy levels increase with the enlarging moon, it peeks on the full moon, but this is where Full Moon days are also best days to “release” the excess built in emotions and energy, both negative and excessive. It is recommended to do some quite meditations with breathing like pranayama to control the emotional imbalances we experience.

The waning moon is traditional when the balance starts to naturally get restored in the cosmos, the understanding that the ‘cycle’ of creation continues to repeat itself, we see that the waning moon represents the ability to restrain and normalize all that had been excessive. During this period of the waning moon, as we get closer to the dark moon/new moon one can experience lesser energy in extreme cases, however it also represents a time of reflections, pause and restoration. This is a perfect time to contemplate on all accomplished and to make plans, and list of things to be done. The New Moon day is a perfect to create a wish list for all things “new” that are to be ushered into our journeys. And we restart the creating process during waxing phase.

A powerful Mantra for balancing the energies during the Lunar cycle is

“ Aum Chandraye Namah”. Mantras can be recited using your rosary/mala beads in a calm quiet space focusing on aligning the moonlight with your own energetic field.

If you would like to know how best to understand the position of the moon in your personal horoscope click here to get a personalized Vedic astrology report for you. The report includes the house that the moon is placed and and the best remedies recommended.


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