Energy, Emotions & the Skin

Energy centers and Emotional connection with the endocrine system


Most ancient philosophies, in eastern oriental science of Ayurveda and Chinese oriental medicine and Egyptian doctrines have discussed the presence of energy centers within the body. Almost all of them agree on seven main ones, which are depicted  in the diagram. Tantra Yoga takes influence from Vedic and Egyptian doctrines on the energetic body. The concept of the Kundaline energy at the base which is activated to then charge the energy center/chakras and influence the related organ. The flow of energy from the energy centers are through channeled pathways called as meridian lines, or also known as Nadis  in Vedic system. The two central main channel called the Sushmna and the the two lateral channels as ingla and pingla from which the intersection of the two lateral nadis arize the smaller pathways that distribute the flow of prana ( life force) or the biofield energy to the rest of the body.


Each chakra is connected to a body organ/endocrine system. 

Vayus is also an interesting concept that discusses the directional flow of energy,Each vayu or direction of prana is used to nourish a vital organ system/body part.

Skin being on the surface of the body we see a flow of energy from the Viyana Vayu nourishing the surface of the skin.

The holistic sciences that come under the category of vibrational medicine give importance to the life force as a vital element to be considered when putting a regiment for health. The blocks in the flow of energy is what affects the consecutive endocrine system and eventual health of the organ where the blockages are. The emotions are components of each chakra that link the physical, energetic and mental bodies.

For example, the root chakra blockages can lead to mental symptoms of insecurity and self-doubt and physical symptoms of constipation, and urinary frequency or imbalance. The energetic body functions with the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways as well.

Just like in the discussion of the emotional body pathways, one can imagine the immune system plays a big role once the endocrine organs are triggered, as well as the thymus gland.

The skin has its own intrinsic hormonal pathways that gets triggered with stress. There is a local release of cortisol that can cause local trauma and lead to aging in the tissue.  

The path of Tantra Yoga offers an approach to balance the energetic centers for the body. This leads to an internal healing process in mind and body, which compliments any external beauty treatment. Vibrational cosmetics is the combined approach to treating the body as one connected system mind body and skin.



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