
Why indoor plants?

Why indoor plants?

Why would someone invest in indoor plants? Well there are a great plenty of reasons. For starters, the amazing health benefits and stress reduction benefits. Plants are able to improve your mental and physical health, without you even realizing it. It allows you to overall feel better and allows the room to feel lighter with less tension, this blog shares some great insights on indoor plants and its health benefits.

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Energy, Emotions & the Skin
holistic beauty Dr. Beri holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Energy, Emotions & the Skin

Most ancient philosophies, in eastern oriental science of Ayurveda and Chinese oriental medicine and Egyptian doctrines have discussed the presence of energy centers within the body. Almost all of them agree on seven main ones, which are depicted  in the diagram. Tantra Yoga takes influence from Vedic and Egyptian doctrines on the energetic body. The concept of the Kundaline energy at the base which is activated to then charge the energy center/chakras and influence the related organ.

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 Alchemy & The Elements
holistic beauty Dr. Beri holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Alchemy & The Elements

The ancient seers asserted that only substance or matter can produce an effect on the five senses. If you can experience something, then this experience occurs because you have come in contact with substance or matter. These seers conceived of substance or matter as having five forms. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether. 

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 Creating Beauty Mind Body Skin
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

Creating Beauty Mind Body Skin

We often get asked about our unique mind body skin comprehensive approach. This blog summarizes some of our core concepts relating to this unique approach. To really dive deeper into the concept of Mindfulness and beauty, we need to first understand what is that makes one ‘beautiful’. Is it all just an external phenomenon observed on the surface of the skin, or is there a stronger mental and organic component to beauty, and is it connected to one’s “LifeForce” (Prana).

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Aromatherapy and Doshas
Ayurveda Dr. Beri Ayurveda Dr. Beri

Aromatherapy and Doshas

In our comprehensive consults we determine the elements that are predominant in the body. A we refer to the Ayurvedic system of “body type analysis to determine the constitution. Further Aromatherapy oils can be classified based on the Dosha system. Here is a short overview of the essentials oils based on the ancient eastern science of Ayurveda.

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