Alchemy & The Elements

The ancient seers asserted that only substance or matter can produce an effect on the five senses. If you can experience something, then this experience occurs because you have come in contact with substance or matter. These seers conceived of substance or matter as having five forms. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether.  Today we say these are the continuum between energy and mass. Ultimately everything is a form of energy; conversely, all states of mass have some form of energy. This plays into Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 that mass and energy is interchangeable.

In ancient traditions of both western occultism and eastern Ayurveda, the elemental science  takes center stage. Alchemy (al- Khemia knowledge from the land of Khem, ancient Egypt), The Alchemists as the early scientist and doctors, in search of elixirs to promote healing. They use the knowledge of elements in developing techniques of transmutation of metals like copper into gold, but not for purposes of greed, but to create elixirs that helped create a “golden state”. The earliest alchemist existed in pre-Egyptian era to the early Greek and resurfaced alchemy during the renaissance. Similarly, In the occult and spiritual practice of the Qabalah, and eastern science of Tantra, Ayurveda and Siddha medicine believed in harmony of the mind body and spirit for an optimal state of health. They believe the elements of fire, water, earth air and ether as the different states of matter that exists within a tangible substance. They attribute “a healthy state” to exist in the proper balance of the element in relation to the elements of the environment.

Ancient practices that have used elemental knowledge in healing and rejuvenation

Ayurveda (the Science of Life) originating about 5000 years ago in India takes origin in the ancient philosophical texts of the Vedas. It iѕ a Science which takes into account a persons lifestyle, metabolism and environment to come up with preventive and curative measures. Eасh person is a combination of the three principle compositions of elements known As Dosha (read more). One of these energies will be more predominant in each person according to the diet, medicine.

The balance of the elemental energies can be achieved by a recommendation outlined by the practitioner which entails making mindful changes to lifestyle, diet and over all mental outlook.

Science that focuses on the ‘environment’ as much as the matter itself.

The occult practices, all had one thing in common, they not only focused on the alchemical composition of the subject at hand but also the alchemical composition of the treatment given and then the source of the treatment as in this case the herbo mineral preparation. The ingredients source to create formulations and the elixer’s constitution is often kept as a secret in the tradition. However it included the knowledge of cycles of the moon and star alignments , and the knowing having an understanding of plant circadian cycles as well as in when to harvest the plant, the time of day. Most practices also used certain rituals to extract the herbs from the earth giving due oblations to the source. 

In a holistic view point of beauty, having an understanding of Elemental science and its balance is essential in creating beauty inside and out.

Read more in H&PC Magazine Article by Dr Beri.


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