Vibrational Cosmetics

The integration of Western and Eastern approaches to have a mind body skin approaches to graceful aging

Kavita Beri MD, Arya Krishna BAMS


The human body is equipped with a fascinating healing mechanism in its inherent physiology. Many factors govern healing within the body, that are not limited to the anatomical body, but also require a state balance and harmony in the Ethereal bodies of our multidimensional state of existence. These include both the Emotional Body and Energetic body, as well as the Mental Body. Regenerative science is an ever-expanding field. With our growing knowledge of how emotions, stress and mental states impact our bodies physiology, we understand that regeneration cannot be approached only in a material sense in the anatomical body. It needs a multidimensional approach. This is what can be termed as Vibrational or Quantum healing which becomes the next frontier for Regenerative Medicine and Rejuvenation. This  approach is currently used at BE MIND BODY SKIN in New Jersey USA, under Dr Kavita Beri. This is an Integrative Aesthetics Med spa the first center of Vibrational Cosmetics.  The approaches for regeneration and rejuvenation take on a new level of quantum and vibrational healing that combine spirituality, ancient holistic science like Ayurveda and modern medicine that gives a multidimensional approach of healing of the mind, body and skin. These includes adding an Eastern touch with meditation, chakra and light body activation , tantra yoga, Body type and dosha assessment on the basis of Ayurveda (ancient Indian science along with a Western approach of personalized skin treatments with lasers and topicals based on body type. The microbiome science in current day research and understanding of the body physiology shows us that there is a symbiotic relationship between the microorganisms inside and outside the surface of our body. They mainly communicate through the Immune system which is an intricate and complex communication of the skin-gut -brain axis. Their influence can be related to both chronic and acute skin conditions as well as aging. We can relate the balance of the dosha and its approach in Ayurveda to the significance of the symbiotic relationship between the gut and skin microbiome with the host. The gut being the target to create symbiosis through diet. One can also approach this symbiosis in mindful activities such as Yoga, Meditation and spiritual self-actualization with the aim to create balance and harmony in the body and mind.

Understanding ayurvedic component to vibrational cosmetics.

When a cosmetic product or medicine is prepared with herbs, we generally use the natural extracts or parts themselves of flowers, leaves, fruits, bark, resins and roots. As per the wisdom of Ayurveda, all the parts of a plant are made of the Pancha maha bhoota or the energy from the five elements. The five elements are Prithvi (earth), Ap (water), Thejas (Sun), Vayu (air) and Akasha (Ether). These five elements can be considered as five vibrational modes as well.

According to Charaka, among Pancha maha bhoota, Akasha is the first element that came into existence. It is not a synonym of sky but it can be conceptually like the space. Modern physics also accept the ether to be the root cause of all other element. It is believed in Ayurveda that Akasha is Anadi (Having no origin) and Ananta (having no end) and it is sarva vyapi (omnipresent).

Ayurveda and Tridoshas

According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas (functional units of the body)- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They destroy or maintain the body when vitiated or not, respectively.

These Doshas are constituted by Pancha maha bhoota (five primordial elements) by which the entire perceptible universe is formed of, at a subtle, subatomic level. These five maha bhootas constitute the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and minerals. Thus, living or non-living everything are made up of them. Though they cannot be seen, they can be inferred by structure and function of substances. Thus, the food we eat, our body, our excreta, our surroundings, all are constituted of five elements.

When you schedule your MIND BODY SKIN consultation expect a 60 min comprehensive exam to evaluate your primary elements that will help guide us to best advise holistic and comprehensive beauty care personalized to your specific constitution. To know more about how to schedule please visit here


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