
 Alchemy & The Elements
holistic beauty Dr. Beri holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Alchemy & The Elements

The ancient seers asserted that only substance or matter can produce an effect on the five senses. If you can experience something, then this experience occurs because you have come in contact with substance or matter. These seers conceived of substance or matter as having five forms. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether. 

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Vibrational Cosmetics
Vibrational cosmetics Dr. Beri Vibrational cosmetics Dr. Beri

Vibrational Cosmetics

The human body is equipped with a fascinating healing mechanism in its inherent physiology. Many factors govern healing within the body, that are not limited to the anatomical body, but also require a state balance and harmony in the Ethereal bodies of our multidimensional state of existence. These include both the Emotional Body and Energetic body, as well as the Mental Body. Regenerative science is an ever-expanding field.

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Why knowing your Dosha (Body Type) is helpful?
Ayurveda, Vibrational cosmetics Dr. Beri Ayurveda, Vibrational cosmetics Dr. Beri

Why knowing your Dosha (Body Type) is helpful?

Ayurveda attributes the constitutional characteristics of an individual to the preponderance of certain “doshas”. Three main doshas are described, viz. vata, pitta and kapha. The combination of these doshas in each person will be different and this unique combination of doshas in a person is described as “Prakriti”. To simplify this it is the constitution of the elements within the body: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Ether.

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Teenage Acne : Our unique approach at BE Mind Body Skin
Skin Dr. Beri Skin Dr. Beri

Teenage Acne : Our unique approach at BE Mind Body Skin

This topic is very popular, and so we will discuss this topic in a couple of blogs. In this one I will discuss our approach to Acne in general at BE. Almost 75-80% of teens deal with some form of acne during the transitional years into adulthood. Dermatological science has attributed the etiology to hormonal imbalance, shifting microbiome of the skin, dietary changes and several other factors including the changes in the body metabolism during these years which contributes to Acne in this age group commonly. The change in the external environment of a growing teen as well as the change in the internal body all surmounts to the ‘stress’ that the body deals with in this age group. There for much of acne care for clearing the skin and preventing future breakouts depends on creating harmony of the body within and without.

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