
Why indoor plants?

Why indoor plants?

Why would someone invest in indoor plants? Well there are a great plenty of reasons. For starters, the amazing health benefits and stress reduction benefits. Plants are able to improve your mental and physical health, without you even realizing it. It allows you to overall feel better and allows the room to feel lighter with less tension, this blog shares some great insights on indoor plants and its health benefits.

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Herbology At BE Mind Body Skin: Lavender and its benefits
Herbology Dr. Beri Herbology Dr. Beri

Herbology At BE Mind Body Skin: Lavender and its benefits

At BE Mind Body Skin we love the power of natural herbs and their essence to facilitate the mind body skin connection and allow for regeneration and rejuvenation to happen from a more deeper space within the spirit not just externally on the physical body.

Healing is a big part of our spa services that focus on allowing the skin to heal and regenerate from external stress, trauma and oxidative damage. This is where we find the importance of using botanicals in combination with out serivices and cosmetics treatments.

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