Micro-currents for the skin


Micro current. You don’t exactly hear that word in your everyday conversations. So what does micro current mean? What are some benefits to your skin? The word micro current depicts high frequency and galvanic currents and here are some of the benefits listed below. 

How does your skin benefit from micro current? 

  • Breaks away acne 

  • Shrink opened pores

  • Reduce wrinkles or aged skin 

  • Decrease puffiness around eyes

  • Lighten dark eye circles

  • Sustain and control hair follicles on the scalp for more youthful hair


You must be wondering how and why the electricity in micro currents can treat all of these skin problems. The electric currents of high frequency are penetrated through the surface of the skin. This allows for blood to flow to that area of the skin at an instant. That blood flow can help with better hair growth for your scalp and will help regenerate your skin. If you have acne, the result after micro currents would kill the bacteria and prevent underlying blemishes. Now for the part of how this kind of modern technology works. What’s the science behind it all?, technology associated with high frequency has to do with electricity and galvanic currents. Micro currents travel through different machines and penetrate to the layers of skin. This adds more oxygen and blood flow and can rejuvenate your skin. This modernized way of correcting your skin and helping hair growth can be found in different tools associated with micro current. These are the effects and benefits of high frequency on your skin.

At BE Mind Body Skin, you can experience this technology and its benefits in our spa treatments, post facials, and peel treatments. Ask your skin specialist during your appointment if this is a good treatment specific for your skin, and it can be added on to your service.

Blog By Dia Beri.


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