
Elimination Diet for Migraine
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Elimination Diet for Migraine

An elimination diet, also known as exclusion diet is a diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that an individual cannot consume without any adverse effects.

So, how exactly can you figure a Migraine elimination diet?

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10 tips for a healthy breakfast plan
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

10 tips for a healthy breakfast plan

A Balanced breakfast is important for starting a day. Breakfast is a critical meal when Vata is elevated. After an overnight fast a healthy breakfast helps in nourishing Vata. From Ayurvedic perspective one should eat in accordance with their hunger alone. Skipping breakfast might also disturb the sadhaka Pitta which is responsible for maintaining an even temper , joy and contentment.

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Bhringaraj for haircare
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Bhringaraj for haircare

Bhringraj is an important Ayurveda herb, widely used in hair fall treatment, liver disorders, skin diseases etc.

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August 2022 Astrological Forecast
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

August 2022 Astrological Forecast

The full moon on August 11th, has the Moon on Capricorn, over the retrograding Saturn and the Sun in the last few degrees of Cancer (water element). Emotions are directed towards the financial security, safety and concerns around those matters will surface around the Full Moon….

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Ayurveda and Weightloss
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Ayurveda and Weightloss

By sipping hot water through out the day ,you help cleanse the digestive tract and entire body of blockages and impurities. Hot water improves digestion and assimilation of food and helps prevent the body from becoming toxic and clogged. It is also a great aid in reducing food cravings in between meals. 

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Karna Poorana - Ayurvedic Ear care treatment
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Karna Poorana - Ayurvedic Ear care treatment

The ayurvedic method of imparting cured oils or illuminated spread (ghee) in the ears is called Karna Purana. There are little bones in the inward ear called ossicles, which vibrate when hit by sound waves. These bones invigorate nerve endings that transmit signs to the cerebrum to be translated. From the Ayurvedic point of view, the ear skin and the ossicles can dry out and capacity can be traded off because of Vata irregularity in Ayurveda. Vata, when irritated, can dry the body out. Oil is the remedy for dryness in the body.

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Effects of Stress on 3 major body systems
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Effects of Stress on 3 major body systems

What is stress? Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these stresses are known as stress responses. Recent researches have shown that based on the type, timing and severity of the applied stimulus, stress can exert various actions on the body ranging from alterations in homeostasis to life-threatening effects and death. Stress can be either a triggering or aggravating factor for many diseases and pathological conditions. According to the American Psychological Association, Stress affects all systems of the body including the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous, and reproductive systems. Our bodies are well equipped to handle stress in small doses, but when that stress becomes long-term or chronic, it can have serious effects on your body. 

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Blissful summer with Ayurveda
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Blissful summer with Ayurveda

Ayurveda advises to match the diet and regimen in accordance with season for a healthy long life. Grishma Ritu (Summer) constitute the months from May- July . As the sun rays becomes more powerful during this period, the body feels as if squeezed(wrung) with increasing atmospheric temperature. This in turn weakens Kapha day by day, and strengthens Vata.

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July 2022 Astrological Forecast
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

July 2022 Astrological Forecast

I feel the energies of this month are split in two. We have the beginning of the month with a very very rare alignment for the planet that strengthen their dignity in their respective houses.

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Summer Salad Recipe
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Summer Salad Recipe

Ayurveda recommends warm, cooked salads. Raw salads are considered cold, rough, and hard to digest. And they are best when eaten fresh.

This salad recipes are perfect for summer cookouts and easy family dinners and are some of the best ways to use the season’s delicious greens and nuts.

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Mango Chutney Recipe
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Mango Chutney Recipe

Mangoes are the summer superfood. Mangoes have a sumptuous tropical flavor. It’s not just the juicy flavor that makes mangoes special, in addition mangoes deliver nutritional value and make healthy eating a delightful sensory experience.

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5 best yoga poses for a tight neck
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

5 best yoga poses for a tight neck

When we think of exercise or yoga we concentrate on areas like the belly and thighs more. People tend to give less importance to the face and neck while making exercise plans. So here I am sharing some helpful yoga tips to learn to tighten a turkey neck with facial yoga. 

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Arya Krishna Arya Krishna


Blueberries are Kashaya Rasa (Astringent taste) and this property can be used for wound healing and for reducing blood sugar levels. The Pitta pacifying property makes it ideal for summer. It provides cooling sensation to the body and is beneficial for eyes. The most common way of consuming blueberries is in their fresh, whole form. It can be consumed along with other fruits and vegetables as well.

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June 2022 Astrological Forecast
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

June 2022 Astrological Forecast

The new moon In Taurus in thr Nakshatra of Rohini which starts the energy of June, is conjunct the fixed star Antares in Scorpio, this star is a star of war, but this where I feel, the alignments are such

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4 Exercises to kickstart your day
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

4 Exercises to kickstart your day

Physical activity reduces mortality, prevents various cancers, musculoskeletal and cerebrovascular diseases, improves metabolism, and is beneficial for mental health.

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Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe

Sweet potatoes (SPs) play an immense role in the human diet and are considered as second staple food in developed and underdeveloped countries.The color of  flesh varies from white, yellow, purple, and orange. Scientific studies reported the diversity in sweet potato’s flesh color is due to its connection with nutritional and sensory acceptability. Among all, orange fleshed sweet potato has been attracting food technologists and nutritionists due to its high content of carotenoids and pleasant sensory characteristics with color.

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Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin

In the present scenario, people are very much conscious about their health as well as beautiful and clear skin. Thus, health and beauty are two faces of a single coin. The skin is an extremely compound organ and moreover it is the largest and most important organ of the body. According to Ayurveda, the primary or etiological factors responsible for human beings are Vata, Pitta and Kapha – the three doshas. Among these, Vata is responsible for the formation of Skin, Pitta is responsible for the texture, color, temperature and Kapha is responsible for the luster of Skin.

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Creating a self care schedule and sticking to it
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Creating a self care schedule and sticking to it

Most of us are of the idea that self care is indulgence. But that’s wrong!! Self care is nothing but a form of discipline. My favorite definition of self care that I came across is that ‘Self care is not something you do once in a while when the world gets crazy. It’s what you do every day, every week, month in and month out. It’s taking care of yourself in a way that you don’t have to indulge yourself in order to restore balance. It’s making the commitment to stay healthy and balanced as a regular practice.’ 

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Ashwagandha - Everything you need to know
Arya Krishna Arya Krishna

Ashwagandha - Everything you need to know

Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) is a very revered herb in Ayurveda. It is popularly used as a nervine tonic or Rasayana. Again, Rasayana is a very deep concept. For now, understand it is the group of herbs/medicines which are advised to improve the quality and longevity of life. It basically concentrates on the whole-body nourishment through the Rasa Dhathu or the essence of food that we take.

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