4 Exercises to kickstart your day

Physical activity reduces mortality, prevents various cancers, musculoskeletal and cerebrovascular diseases, improves metabolism, and is beneficial for mental health.

There is a great deal of research showing that mortality declines when physical activity increases or body fitness improves.The effect of exercise on mental health have been proven in depression, anxiety, stress, sleep, dementia, and psychological well-being. Physical activity lowers the risk of depression and improves depressive symptoms, regardless of whether they are diagnosed with depression. 

Since sparse exercise, defined as between 1–2 times per week, increases the risk of injury, it is recommended to exercise three or more days a week, for as many days as possible. Here we are giving 4 simple exercises to kickstart your day and improve your energy levels. 

Camel walk

Walk on ground with both hands and feet- like a camel, trying to keep legs straight.

Cherry Picker

Stand shoulder width apart, bend at the waist, touch the right toe, touch in the middle of the feet on the ground, then touch the left toe then stand back straight. When beginning the next time, start from the opposite side. Usually done in cadence. Good for warming up or stretching at the end.

Duck Walk

Squatting and walking slowly, while relying on your hips, quads, hamstrings and glutes for support.

Alligator Push up

Push up with one arm positioned slightly forward of the other arm, while the other arm is in the normal push-up position.  Alternate hands after each push-up. Can be done as a traveling exercise.

Each of these can be done for 5 minutes each which can readily give you a 20 minutes daily exercise.

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