Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe

Sweet potatoes (SPs) play an immense role in the human diet and are considered as second staple food in developed and underdeveloped countries.The color of  flesh varies from white, yellow, purple, and orange. Scientific studies reported the diversity in sweet potato’s flesh color is due to its connection with nutritional and sensory acceptability. Among all, orange fleshed sweet potato has been attracting food technologists and nutritionists due to its high content of carotenoids and pleasant sensory characteristics with color.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes -

  • good source of carbohydrates

  • It also provides substantial quantities of selected vitamins (Vit C and PVA), specific minerals (potassium, magnesium, and calcium), and various bioactive compounds (phenolic acids and anthocyanin [ACN]) for consumers.

  • Orange fleshed sweet potato is a good source of non-digestible dietary fiber, specific minerals, different vitamins, and antioxidants.

As per Ayurveda, Sweet potatoes are Vata and Pitta dosha pacifying. A person with a Kapha constitution should limit the intake of sweet potatoes.

Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe / Sweet Potato Kheer Recipe


1 medium sized sweet potato

1 Tbsp of ghee/coconut oil

1 pinch cardamom powder

1 pinch nutmeg powder

½ cup of milk (your choice of dairy or plant-based)

4-5 crushed almonds and cashews

4-5 black currants


Boil, peel and grate the sweet potatoes in a bowl. Add the above ingredients and give it a stir. Warm the milk and add to the sweet potato, creating the pudding.

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