Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin

In the present scenario, people are very much conscious about their health as well as beautiful and clear skin. Thus, health and beauty are two faces of a single coin. The skin is an extremely compound organ and moreover it is the largest and most important organ of the body. According to Ayurveda, the primary or etiological factors responsible for human beings are Vata, Pitta and Kapha – the three doshas. Among these, Vata is responsible for the formation of Skin, Pitta is responsible for the texture, color, temperature and Kapha is responsible for the luster of Skin.

Why is coconut oil considered as the healthiest oil on earth?

Coconut oil is a rich source of fiber, minerals and vitamins and has more than ninety percent saturated fats. And the saturated fats present in coconut oil are not hydrogenated. Coconut oil has been used in Indian customs for thousands of years.

The Ayurveda Classic 'Susruta Samhita' has listed a set of benefits for the use of coconut oil. Let's check out that first.

1. Natural Coolant

2. It promotes hair growth and improves hair quality and strength.

3. It calms Vata and Pitta and supports Kapha

4. It generally nourishes the body tissues

5. It also quickens the wound healing activity in skin.

Ayurveda uses coconut oil as a base for most of the medicated oils.

Benefits of coconut oil as per Ayurveda

· According to Ayurveda, coconut oil is nourishing in nature and often advised to be included as a dietary supplement especially for people with emaciation and debility.

Coconut oil when processed with herbs can be used for various disease conditions

  1. It is a natural skin moisturizer and softener

  2. It is an ideal choice for hair oil base.

  3. It can also be used as a natural deodorant when processed with sandalwood powder.

Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurveda practice of applying oil on the skin for decreasing the aging process, relaxation, and is said to be good eye health and ensures longevity of life. And the oil which can be used even by babies for this procedure is virgin coconut oil.

I use virgin coconut oil processed with some medicinal herbs for my 20 months old daughter. This has been an ancient practice in India since long. coconut oil is edible oil which is extracted from the kernels of mature coconuts. Virgin coconut oil differs from the ordinary coconut oil because of the way it is extracted and also in terms of its health benefits. The term ‘virgin’ essentially means that either no heat

is applied during the process or it is subjected to very low heat. Virgin coconut oil has a strong taste and fragrance and a higher content of antioxidants, protein, vitamins and healthy fatty acids which may be lost during the industrial processes that regular coconut oil is subjected to. In Kerala the oil for skin and hair is usually prepared at home. My mom used to prepare that freshly at home. It is a great beauty ingredient and can help in controlling dandruff and preventing acne.

How to prepare Virgin coconut oil at home?

Ingredients -

Grated coconut – 4 numbers

Method of preparation -

Extract the coconut milk from the grated coconut by squeezing it with your hands in a muslin cloth. Keep a bowl below the cloth to collect the liquid. You can add very little hot water to it to make it easy to handle and squeeze out all the milk. After extracting the coconut milk sieve again through a muslin cloth to discard any impurities. Place the coconut milk in a Place the coconut milk in vessel and cook for 2 to 3 hours in low flame. Keep stirring it every now and then till the milk becomes brownish in color. However, be careful that it doesn’t burn as coconut milk has a very delicate texture. Once the milk becomes concentrated, remove it from the fire and let it cool down. Place the cooled thickened milk in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the oil. Collect it in a bowl and then store it in an airtight glass jar. This homemade coconut oil can easily last for a year or at least 8 to 10 months.

Though the procedure is quite slow and consumes time, believe me it's worth the effort. This homemade oil can do wonders when compared to the store-bought ones.

Now that you have prepared an amazing oil, let's check out some simple beauty hacks that can be done with this homemade coconut oil.

· Face Wash liquid – 1 cup coconut oil + 5 tbsp. lavender essential oil + 1 tsp baking soda. Store this in an airtight container. And use it as facewash liquid.

· 1 tsp coconut oil + a pinch of turmeric powder – Apply over face and wash after 20 minutes. Reduces and prevents sunburn and rashes.

· You can use this as a makeup remover as well. It softens the skin and act as an excellent night cream.

· Use this for chapped lips as well.

· Herbal scrub – 1 tsp coconut oil + 1 tsp coconut sugar – Apply this once in 2 weeks. Wash with warm water afterwards.

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