Creating a self care schedule and sticking to it

Most of us are of the idea that self care is indulgence. But that’s wrong!! Self care is nothing but a form of discipline. My favorite definition of self care that I came across is that ‘Self care is not something you do once in a while when the world gets crazy. It’s what you do every day, every week, month in and month out. It’s taking care of yourself in a way that you don’t have to indulge yourself in order to restore balance. It’s making the commitment to stay healthy and balanced as a regular practice.’ 

When you feel overwhelmed with work during the week you decide to relax over the weekend and book a one night get away to a beautiful location to destress and revamp yourself. That is a form of relaxation and cannot be considered as self care. Self care is when you join a yoga class and show up regularly and reap the benefit of yoga for a better lifestyle.  

In this article I am going to discuss 3 effective ways to bring in a self care schedule to your daily life. 

  1. Get your body moving

Make exercise a priority. It doesn’t matter what you choose. But consistency is important. Join a yoga class, walk for 30 minutes, workout in the gym twice a week, whatever it may be just make sure you stay consistent and dedicated to it. Have you heard about FIA? FiA stands for Females in Action, which is a community of women dedicated to making each other stronger in all areas of our lives through activities that include bodies, minds, and hearts. A FiA workout is a promise, always free, open to ALL women, held outdoors, and ends with a circle of trust. Join FIA or anything that works with your schedule. 

Exercise is a powerful tool in the fight to prevent and treat numerous chronic diseases. Given its whole-body, health-promoting nature, the integrative responses to exercise should surely attract a great deal of interest as the notion of “exercise is medicine” continues to its integration into clinical settings.

  1. Eat Healthy

The definition of what constitutes a healthy diet is continually shifting to reflect the evolving understanding of the roles that different foods, essential nutrients, and other food components play in health and disease. What does healthy eating mean? According to WHO, balancing energy intake, limiting saturated and trans fats and shifting toward consumption of unsaturated fats, increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, and limiting the intake of sugar and salt is what is known as healthy eating. Stick to a diet that works for you. Here when I say healthy eating it also includes the way you eat. Eating at regular times is as important as eating healthy. 

  1. Take care of your skin

Well, if you do the first two parts - exercising and eating healthy your job is half done. What else do you need to make sure you have healthy skin? Follow a skincare routine. Moisturizing and using quality skincare products is so important for skin health. Beautiful skin will definitely improve your confidence level. 

Let us start with slow steps. Start sticking to at least one in last and see what a huge effect it has on your mental and physical health. 

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