June 2022 Astrological Forecast


Here we go again, a cycle of extremes is on the horizon this month. But navigating through the energy of the elements each planet signifies will be key.

Starting off with a new moon late May into Memorial Day, we start June in the waxing Moon energy- Mercury is moving direct, around 3 degrees of Taurus, stationing here for a few days and then really feeling free and forward towards the 3rd of June. This means lifitng up of delays in travel and better communication- however choose to travel later in the month rather sooner since the Mercury Retrograde shadow period persist for at least a week after June 3rd.

 The new moon In Taurus in the Nakshatra of Rohini which starts the energy of June, is conjunct the fixed star Antares in Scorpio, this star is a star of war, but this is where I feel, the alignments are such, that we might see a peaceful resolution, at least temporarily . The moon loves being in this group of starts (Nakshatra), and so the energies might feel mellow and romantic. or overly emotional… it very well could be that the easing energies would be more towards the full moon June 14, as hidden truth comes to light mid month.

I still feel the highlight of the month most certainly is Saturn, the biggest body in the sky is starting to slow down in the early part of the month and by June 4rth it will station around 1 degree of Aquarius to start traveling back into Capricorn. This means we start to see in our physical reality more emphasis once again placed on economy and geopolitical affairs. Not to mention if your planets in the birth chart are around the early degrees of Aquarius or Later degrees of Capricorn then yes, this retrograde transit will impact you the most.

Perhaps some interesting conjunctions will be Venus conjunction with the North Node of the Moon (Rahu) . Now whatever comes close to Rahu can have this “larger than life “feel. And But can it be so bad if Venus the planet of Love is hitting Rahu? ..well, it depends. Staying balanced in making big time decisions is still our best approach. Not getting carried away with emotional outburst between relationships is also a good idea.

Now when we think of the elements we are dealing with, Sun (Fire) is in Taurus - in an earth sign, that makes us feel connected and grounded in our soul essence, Venus in a fire sign and Mars in Pisces a water sign…well that not so much. This Mars which is all fire doesn’t enjoy its transit in Pisces where its asked to have an emotional element of water around it, and Venus…which is all water is around the fire of Aries. So I suspect this might drive our feminine energy to a more fiery climax wanting more and needing more as it gets closer to Rahu around 26 degree of Aries on June 15  

Mars towards the end of the month will flow through Gandantha…which is end degrees of Pisces, - this transit can signify flash floods, landslides, earthquakes with Fire element of Mars crossing over the Water element of Pisces into Aries.

Gandantha means to “drown”. Planets that cross over the last few degrees of a water sign Pisces, Cancer or Scoprio end up creating the feeling of gandantha in the collective, this could happen emotionally or be experienced through an actual natural occurrence. This can be an emotionally charged time once again, with anger being the highlighted emotion and so caution and balance once again come in handy during this time of the month.

The Full Moon this month is now in the sign of Taurus towards the end Scorpio into Sagittarius with Sun crossing over the final degrees of Taurus. I believe this full moon will be a significant one, since the moon is moving from water to fire. Perhaps also an emotional charged and revealing one!

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Ok- in Summary- It’s a rollercoaster of a month!



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