Karna Poorana - Ayurvedic Ear care treatment

The ayurvedic method of imparting cured oils or illuminated spread (ghee) in the ears is called Karna Poorana. There are little bones in the inward ear called ossicles, which vibrate when hit by sound waves. These bones invigorate nerve endings that transmit signs to the cerebrum to be translated. From the Ayurvedic point of view, the ear skin and the ossicles can dry out and capacity can be traded off because of Vata irregularity in Ayurveda. Vata, when irritated, can dry the body out. Oil is the remedy for dryness in the body.

Benefits of Karna Poorana -

  • Decreases tingling, dryness, and ringing in the ear/Reduces itching, dryness, and ringing in the ear.

  • Viable for loss of hearing and decreasing successive ear contaminations /Effective for loss of hearing and reducing frequent ear infections.

  • Opens up the sinus district, decreasing head colds and sensitivity side effects /Opens up the sinus region, reducing head colds and allergy symptoms.

  • Decreases the effect of wax, bodily fluid and gathered genuine (yeast) and Enhances the feeling of hearing /Reduces impact of wax, mucus and accumulated candid (yeast) and Enhances the sense of hearing.

  • Assists with Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, Vertigo, an ear clog /Helps with Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, Vertigo, an ear congestion.

  • Mellows face and jaw pressure/Softens face and jaw tension.

How to do Karna Poorana

The followings steps are followed in Karna Poorana Therapy -

  1. Gently massage the pinna or external ears of the patient for 15 to 30 minutes.

  2. After massage mild sudation or sweating is done.

  3. Request that the patient rests on the sidelong position.

  4. Take medicated oils according to the dosha predominance.

  5. Pour a couple of drops of cured warm oil in the right ear and let the patient remain in the left lateral position for 15 to 20 minutes.

  6. Repeat in the opposite side. Once the procedure is complete use a cotton ball to get the oil out of the ear by tilting the head.

  7. In conditions like Tinnitus, it is ideal to do the procedure for 7 days in a row.

Measurement of Karna Poorana Oils

2 to 15 drops

After Karna poorana, Karna dhoopana (fumigation of ears) has to be performed.

Guggulu has been used in a number of Dhoopana formulations. The volatile oil of Guggulu was found to be highly effective against ear diseases which suggested its role as a fumigant.

Most of the formulations have been used for disinfection and removal of Vishas i.e. toxins. The ingredients of the formulations have been incorporated in such a way so as to induce antimicrobial properties of the raw materials which help in eliminating disease vectors.

Turmeric, Neem, Camphor can also be used alone or as a combination with Guggulu for dhoopana.

Make a varti out of the herbs mentioned and fumigate the patients ears.


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