July 2022 Astrological Forecast

 Happy Birthday USA!

What a month we have ahead of us!

I feel the energies of this month can be explained as polar opposites from the first half of the month to the second. We have the beginning of the month with a very very rare alignment in which the planets are strengthened in their dignity by moving into their respective houses. There is increased energy in each four elements. Fire, water earth and air-  All planets in their own signs in the first half of July, Saturn in Capricorn , Jupiter in Pisces , Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus and Mercury in Gemini Moon in Cancer. The only planet left out is of course the Sun that stays in Gemini for the early part of the month then moves to cancer.

For this placement individually,- imagine your chart and the houses these signs are for you- they will get strengthened or at least consider there to be some action in those fronts of your life. : 1st house all about the self, 2nd about finances, 3rd about communication and travel and 4rth about the home, 6th about your health, 7 th about partnerships so on and so forth…

I can see how globally this might be a time that appears to be hopeful, and we see somewhat of an improvement in the financial sector but it might be brief.

This is a cautious choice of words, because I feel there is another dip in the market towards the end of the month as Venus moves out of Taurus and into Gemini, and Mercury goes into a Cazimi (tight conjunction) with the Sun. Cazimi means a planet’s orbit takes it close to the Sun where, according to astrology, the planet and its energy are purified by the intense heat and light some times this also burns out the planetary energies.


I must mention the effect of Mars Uranus and Rahu all in the sign of Aries- this is a lot happening in one sign. We do see Saturn will be squaring Uranus while it retrogrades deeper into Capricorn. Depending on which house Aries is for you imagine some chaos to happen there. Naturally Aries is considered the first sign of zodiac and all about the “self” and so I feel this conjunction that happens around July 29th will be significant in each of our lives. Different stories/ different chapters …for each of us.

Mars is fire energy, determination moving forward, Rahu is expansion chaos moving without direction and Uranus is sudden change. So here we have these three energies butting heads. At a macrocosmic level I feel this month has more fire related natural disasters, volcanos, earthquakes we might hear about due to the more expanded nature of the fire elements.

As far as intern personal relationships and love is concerned, the first half of the month will be smoother than the second. Venus in Taurus for the first half is a relaxed and more romantic time, compared to latter half of the month where the Masculine energy of Mars becomes more chaotic and can result in disruption in relationships, we could also experience a sudden new connection that feels larger than life and sudden that could enter our lives with Mars and Rahu conjunction.

We have a full moon July 13th in Sagittarius in the Nakshatra of Purva Ashada. This is considered an auspicious time of Guru Purnima, which is to pay tribute to someone that has been like a guide or a teacher in your journey. Dedicating the full moon energies to that guide/teacher. (guru)

There are a few dates to watch out for this month: July 21st when moon moves into Aries and aligns with Mars, and end of July 29th when Mars and Rahu come close and align. I imagine these energies to be also magnified with the fact that Jupiter will station in Pisces and then start to turn retrograde as well July 28th. This can relate to issues around travel. Jupiter turning retrograde is always a time of internal reflection in many areas of spiritual wisdom and expansion at a more subtle subconscious level.

In conclusion I will say July can always be that turning point of the year with so many chaotic energies towards the end of the month, its best to take it easy and let the universe do its thing :).



Blissful summer with Ayurveda


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