August 2022 Astrological Forecast

August Astrological Forecast. 2022


I have considered all the factors that can cause delay in putting down my thoughts on this months planetary movements, and if I may, Ill consider the biggest reason for delay was the Mars Rahu Uranus conjunction in the first few days of the month. Well since we barely made through the emotional and intense turmoil of what that brings, with the energy of chaos.. the rest of month leaves room for more interesting energies.


Let me start with the fact that we have 8/8 the Lions Gate Portal of August, this marks the movement of Mars out of the grasp of Rahu in Aries and into the calmer more grounded energy of Taurus, this might feels settling.

We also see the same day Venus leaving the anxious energies of Gemini and moving to more security seeking sign of Cancer.


The full moon on August 11th, has the Moon on Capricorn, over the retrograding Saturn and the Sun in the last few degrees of Cancer (water element). Emotions are directed towards the financial security, safety and concerns around those matters will surface around the Full Moon, the Nakshatra Dhanishta in the sign of Capricorn is where the Moon aligns with the Sun, this makes money, stocks, finances the center concern.


We do still have Jupiter Retrograding and the planet Mercury entering Leo in the early parts of the month


Sun will eventually enter its own sign as it crosses through the unsettled waters of the sign of Cancer, but as soon as it reaches Leo, it will bring positive energy and focus in achieving goals. In matters of Love and relationships, with Venus being in Cancer, we see a more nurturing energy surfacing with a focus towards matters of the home, security and comfort.


I think the highlight is most definitely the New Moon on August 27th in the sign of Leo, as we also see communication strengthening as Mercury moves into its sign of exaltation in Virgo.

Finally, we might see movement in some stagnant matters that the retrogrades have set in.


With Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune in retrograde, no doubt much reflection and refocus on matters unresolved is needed. In about a month another planet with join the retrograde list; Mars, but that is for next month.


For the month of August, lets focus on centering in the present moment, rise above the turmoil and see the 3D just as a dynamic interplay of the celestial bodies.  


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