May 2022 Astrological Update
I love it when the month starts off with a new moon!. Yes we just had a powerful “Black New Moon” april 30th into may 1, In the zodiac of Aries. New moon being the black canvas of the cosmos where all intentions set …
Mindfulness with Ayurveda
When was the last time you ate mindfully? Mindfulness is nothing but whatever you are doing – right here and right now with complete dedication to that action. So, when I said eating mindfully – I was talking about the time when you had calmed down and completely focused on the food you ate enjoying each and every bite of it.
Yantra Meditation – Everything you need to know
Yantra is a Sanskrit word which means instrument. Yantra in meditation are sacred geometric images used to gaze upon to improve concentration. These geometric images are mostly composed of triangles, circles, squares or even the shape of lotus leaves to represent the energy of the deity whom we chose.
Ayurveda Skin-Care Cleanse for a Glowing Complexion
Ayurveda gives importance to preventive aspects of medicine rather than the curative aspects. If you check the ancient classics in Ayurveda, you will notice that the initial chapters cover the topics like daily regimen, seasonal regimen, and good diet practices.
Fenugreek – Uses and Home remedies
Fenugreek, most popularly known as Methi is an Indian herb, the stems, leaves and twigs of which are used for cooking, medications and for nutritional value. The leaves and seeds of the plant in particular, are of high medicinal and nutritional value.
Botanical name- Trigonella foenum greacum Linn
Family- Fabaceae
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 1/3 of adults and 70 percent of children were prone to sunburns last year. Quite often we will be outside unaware of the damage the sun’s rays can cause. Summer is a favorite time of the year and we all like to spend it at the beach or enjoying outdoor sports.
Witch Hazel - Uses and Health benefits
Witch hazel is a plant which has so many powerful medicinal properties that can be used in a variety of ways especially for skin health.
There are many known species of witch hazel, and among those Hamamelis virginiana — a type of shrub native to North America is the most commonly used. The leaves and bark are made into teas and ointments and are known to have a variety of health benefits.
Ayurvedic References on healthy intake of Water
How can a person get fat if he drinks water after meals? At the initial stage of digestion, the predominant dosha is Kapha. Drinking water further increases Kapha which leads to an errant assimilation of food and nutrients in the body leading to obesity.
April 2022 Astrological Forecast
Yes, major changes we see at a micro and at a macro level when powerful planets change signs. All fast AND slow planets change signs, and the Nodes: Rahu and Ketu change signs this month
Apple Cider Vinegar- all you need to know.
Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) is ancient vinegar formulation prepared with the process of fermentation of apple juice or crushed apples. It is generally sour in taste and pale or amber in color. Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries as a health boost tonic.
Three Recipes for Weight Watchers
Three yummy to tummy recipes for weight watchers. Healthy, Nutritious and low in calories. It can also makes you feel moisturized and pretty from inside out.
Healthy Turmeric Ginger Smoothie
Turmeric is the healthy spice that has been advised to take on daily basis. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. It has a group of compounds called curcuminoids, among which curcumin is the most important.
What is Gluten? Why is it bad for you?
Gluten is a group of proteins – the prolamins and glutelins and can be found in cereal grains like wheat. It is a common ingredient in foods like bread, pasta, pizza, and cereal. These group of proteins is responsible for the elastic texture of the dough and can result in various gastrointestinal problems for people with celiac diseases. It can cause inflammation and damage to intestinal tracts.
The potentials of disease prevention with Ayurveda
We all strive for quality of life rather than the number of years we live. The concept of prevention of disease is given utmost importance in Ayurveda. There is a separate branch of Ayurveda for preventive medicine called as ‘Swastha Vritta’. We all have Vata, Pitta and Kapha in our body.
Walking for Wellness
Well-being is fundamental for health. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Yet in present day scenarios we come across a lot of lifestyle disorders like - Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc. In this article we are going to discuss the benefits of walking for wellness since walking being the cost-effective and accessible form of physical exercise.
Why do you need a Spring Cleanse?
A cleanse is the easiest way to buffer your health and make yourself ready to face all the allergens and toxins in the body. No matter how hard you try it is impossible to avoid the exposure to toxins completely. Many toxic chemicals have been introduced using household cleaners, personal hygiene products and pharmaceuticals. Also, we have acquired a taste for caffeine, carbonated drinks, tobacco and alcohol, fast and processed foods, an abundance of meat, refined & artificial sugars and sweets. All these factors make cleanse a necessity for each one of us.
Healthy Breakfast Recipes - Coconut Pancakes
Coconut is nourishing in nature and it helps in gaining weight. It is coolant in nature, sweet and improves body strength. Coconut pulp takes a longer time to undergo digestion, improves muscle strength and does natural bladder cleanse.
March 2022 : Astrological forecast
The relief element in March is the fact that no planet is in retrograde. According to Sidereal Vedic calculations, This “all in” forward moving energy creates a momentum to move ahead
Meat During Ayurvedic Treatment
A popular misbelief is that you are not supposed to take meat items while undergoing Ayurveda treatments or when having Ayurveda medicines. The truth is that Ayurveda does advise certain pathya-apathya (wholesome and unwholesome foods and regimen) depending on the nature of the disease. This pathya and apathya are not for the medicines. There are certain disease conditions where Ayurveda advises the intake of meat as medicine. In Tuberculosis, for example, after correcting the digestion, processed meat with certain herbs are advised as medicine. In certain sexual disorders also, meat is mentioned as a medicine in Ayurveda.
Is Ayurveda Vegan?
There is a popular myth that Ayurveda is vegetarianism or vegan. While it is true that in some respects they go hand in hand, eating meat in Ayurveda is totally dependent on the individual constitution and personal health care needs. Eating meat is always a personal decision based on your morals, religious practices, individual needs and health status. So what might be the reason for the popular misconception that Ayurveda is vegan or vegetarian?