Ayurveda Skin-Care Cleanse for a Glowing Complexion

What exactly is Ayurveda?

The word Ayurveda has been derived from two Sanskrit words—Ayu means Life, and Veda means Science. In simple words, Ayurveda is a life science which balances Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Ayurveda gives importance to preventive aspects of medicine rather than the curative aspects. If you check the ancient classics in Ayurveda, you will notice that the initial chapters cover the topics like daily regimen, seasonal regimen, and good diet practices.

Summer is near your door steps and is the time when you have a dominance of Pitta dosha. Pitta is a combination of fire and water and is responsible for proper metabolism in the body. Pitta, when disturbed, can create a variety of skin problems like rashes, inflammation, redness, acne and more.

The direct relation between summer and Pitta might cause a variety of skin conditions in the season.

A perfect Ayurveda skin-care routine can help you this summer. One of the  secrets behind healthy glowing skin is Cleanse.


When I say cleanse, it doesn’t just mean washing your face frequently with water. Of course, you need to wash your face in cold water every time you come back from the scorching sun. But here CLEANSE means to clean internally and externally.

Do a Panchakarma detox once every 6 months to get your body free of toxins. You can even plan a purgation program at home.

Begin your day with 1 teaspoon of melted ghee. Ghee pacifies Pitta and Vata and it penetrates deep inside the tissues to lubricate and soften the hardened tissue that builds as we age. Practice this for 5 days.

Remember to have a healthy diet during these days to ensure good digestive fire, and proper digestion and metabolism.

On the days 5, 6 and 7 do an Ayurveda self-massage with coconut oil.

On day 7, drink a cup of warm prune juice on an empty stomach. You may get multiple bowel movements on the same day. Drink water boiled with dried ginger throughout the day. Have mung bean Khichdi or rice gruel as a diet.

What I have mentioned above is the internal cleanse. In addition to this, external cleansing is also important for skin. While an internal cleanse detoxifies the body and purifies the blood resulting in nourishment and cleansing the body, external cleanse helps in maintaining healthy skin with a glow.

As I already mentioned, wash your face frequently.

Don’t use harsh chemical soaps on your face and skin. Instead use chickpea flour or organic skin-care products.

Remove your makeup before bed. Use soothing rose water to cleanse the face at bedtime. Rose water also helps in pacifying aggravated Pitta.

You can also apply cucumber juice as a cleanser over your face and neck.

Also, remember to have a clean diet. Avoid spicy, acidic foods. Include digestive spices like cumin and fennel in your diet. Eat healthy, whole foods. Include greens and lots of water in your diet.

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