April 2022 Astrological Forecast

What a powerful month this will be. If I could sum up all that is to happen this month I would say: “BIG Change”. Expect new ways of thinking, new ideas, and new experiences. But all of this follows, some significant purging and spring cleaning.


Yes, major changes we see at a micro and at a macro level when powerful planets change signs. All fast AND slow planets change signs, and the Nodes: Rahu and Ketu change signs this month:


April 12th Rahu moves to Aries and Ketu in Libra

April 13th: Jupiter moves in Pisces

April 28th Saturn moves in Aquarius


First off, the month starts with New Moon in the Pisces, this marks the first of the nine-day festival of Navratri worshiping the divine feminine energy for the nine days. We see the big shift happening as Venus is finally free from its constraints in Capricorn at the end of March and had entered Aquarius, it was stuck between the heavy energies of Saturn and Mars, and it moves on to Aquarius where is breathe freely and express itself. We can experience this a shift, and a sigh of relief when it comes interpersonal relationships and in general the items Venus represents like luxury, beauty, travel and money.


However, there is an event one must look out for, Saturn and Mars conjoining in exact degrees in April 4rth/5th. I believe this to be a significant time to lay low, and not plan many outdoor activities. The Fiery Energy Mars is fighting and struggling to free itself from the confines of the large heavy and dutiful Saturn. We see this more in the global sense with large populations taking a stand on becoming free from confinements placed and oppression. This rate conjunction in the past has also affected the global stock market, so that again is another thing to look out for.


Saturn will be changing signs and moving into Aquarius for 2 months before it retrogrades later in the year back into Capricorn. Consider this transition for it to be coming back to take care of things that were left incomplete. If your moon is in the early degrees of Aquarius, Saturn will be going over it, so there is some caution that is advised.


The Solar New Year, where Sun enters the sign of Aries, It is exalted April 14th known Baisakhi, Vishu, and Easter, Passover.


The other Conjunction to watch for is Jupiter and Neptune conjunction, that also marks.

Jupiter moving into Pisces is powerful as the intelligent mature Jupiter moves back to its own sign giving the sign much power depending on which house Pisces is in your chart, expect expansion and focus on those areas of your life. Jupiter will stay Pisces until the April 23of next year. This is a positive thing for the collecting. It is freed from the influence of Saturn and so all things Jupiter represents feels expanded and sees growth.

 We have two planets in full dignity Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Pisces which is also a positive energy for the collective.


The New Moon in Aries and the Solar eclipse is on the 30th of April. This will be the first Solar eclipse in the sign of Aries once the nodes change signs.


Overall, I would say use this energy from the cosmos to create change by making it easy to let go of the things of the past. Things no longer serving you as the major planetary shifts facilitate the process of letting go and allowing transformation in the collective at an individual and global level.


Rahu and Ketu shift will be in the Aries- Libra Axis for the next 18 months. So, if you have an Ascendent or Moon in either of those signs, expect the most significant changes in those signs. All the major eclipse happening in the next 18 mths will take place in these signs, at the nodes are where the Lunar and Solar eclipses occur. And this movement into these signs is happening after a cycle of 18 years.

To read more blogs on astrology and understanding your chart schedule a personal consult , also understand more about how the planets affect your over all wellbeing by scheduling an BE Mind Body Skin Comprehensive consult.


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