Apple Cider Vinegar- all you need to know.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) is ancient vinegar formulation prepared with the process of fermentation of apple juice or crushed apples. It is generally sour in taste and pale or amber in color. Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries as a health boost tonic.

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How is ACV prepared ?

Take 10 organically grown apples and wash them properly.Cut them into pieces. Make four pieces of each apple.Allow the apples remain at room temperature until and unless they turn brown.

Put all the brown apples in the wide large glass jar.Put enough water in the jar to cover the apples.Cover the jar with cheesecloth. Do not cover so tightly. This will let oxygen to go through and airflow.Place the cover jar in the dark and warm place.Leave the jar for six or seven months.Stir once in a week.

After six months, you will see the layer of scum on the water. This forms from bacteria as alcohol turns to vinegar.Filter the liquid through the cheesecloth into the second wide large glass jar.Cover the second jar of liquid again with the same cheesecloth.Allow it for five to six weeks in the warm place.The liquid will become the  called apple cider vinegar.Now, transfer it into the desired containers.Store it in the refrigerator.

Though the procedure looks long, making ACV at home is really inexpensive and also the health benefits will be more than the store bought ones.

What are the benefits of ACV ?

1. Apple Cider Vinegar will help you to lose weight.

2. ACV has antiglcemic , healthy- blood sugar supporting properties.

3. ACV has shown to support healthy Cholesterol and Triglycerides.

4. It supports the immune functions.

5. As a folk remedy, apple cider vinegar has been credited with curing everything from the flu to warts.

How to Consume ACV?

Never consume it straight. It's so acidic that it can harm your tooth enamel and esophagus. Dilute 2 tablespoons in a big cup of water and drink twice a day in between meals.

This can help in preventing allergies, boosting immunity and even losing weight. 

Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not consume ACV.

Home Remedies with ACV

1. Natural Hair care - Take an old shampoo bottle and fill it with 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.  Pour this on your hair after shampooing three times per week for best results.

2. Sunburn - Put 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in a lukewarm bath along with ¼ cup of coconut oil and lavender essential oil to ease sunburnt skin. Checkout our skincare product - KYVTA CHARCOAL MASK

3. Body odor -Simply dabbing some apple cider vinegar on your fingers and running it into your armpit can kill yeast and neutralize odors, keeping you smelling fresh all day.

4. Warts - Put apple cider vinegar topically on the wart and then cover with a bandage. Leave on overnight and remove in the morning. By doing this for one week will reduce warts.

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